Von der Layen: Serbia will have access to vaccines when approved in the EU


European Commission President Ursula von der Layen said in a conversation with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić that Serbia, through cooperation with the European Union, will have access to vaccines when they are officially approved.

Brnabic and Von der Layen assessed that the situation with the kovid-19 epidemic is very complex, but that the measures taken give results and pointed out that it is necessary to discipline people in compliance with the measures until a sufficient quantity of vaccines for everyone. From Serbia.

Prime Minister Brnabić reiterated that full membership in the EU remains one of the key foreign policy priorities of the new government and that Serbia continues to work on the implementation of comprehensive reforms, especially in the area of ​​the rule of law.

Von der Layen assessed that the application of the new methodology, which Serbia has accepted, will speed up the accession process and reiterated that the European Commission is ready to work intensively on that.

Prime Minister Brnabic also stated that one of the most important steps of the Serbian government in the new mandate is the adoption of an action plan for the media strategy, the formation of a working group for the safety of journalists and training of a working group to improve the electoral environment.

Eric Mamer, spokesperson for the European Commission He told a regular press conference that Prime Minister Brnabic had assured the President of the European Commission that the government would take whatever was necessary to guarantee the freedom of the media in Serbia.

When asked by Fr. attacks on independent journalists and media in the Serbian parliamentEU spokeswoman Ana Pisonero stressed that the EU position is clear and that the EU condemns any threat or attack on journalists.

“It is essential for us to allow journalists to do their work without threats, violence, harassment and intimidation to ensure that citizens have access to all information,” said Pisonero.

He added that Brussels welcomes the fact that the authorities have condemned these attacks and threats, and that it hopes that Serbia will create an environment in which freedom of expression can be achieved without hindrance.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
