Vojvodina Clinical Center on the case of a beaten man


The Vojvodina Clinical Center claims that on August 24, MM (28) was admitted to the Emergency Center at night with serious bodily injuries.

How do they add to 021.rsMM was admitted to the Emergency Center with a forearm fracture, multiple soft tissue injuries to the head and face, chest and pelvis.

“After an urgent and timely diagnosis and care protocol, the patient was discharged for further treatment at home,” says KCV.

On social media Friday night a horrible shot appeared, which shows an unknown young man brutally beating another man, and then, while lying unconscious on the ground, he breaks his arms.

The Interior Ministry announced that searching intensely for Ivan Kontić (30), suspected of hitting.

N1 discovers that Kontić is a member of the security of the MaxBet bookmakers, as well as a business partner of the owners of those bookies. As we learn, the beaten man also participated in the security of those facilities, and the reason for the beating was allegedly unresolved business relationships.

Police director Vladimir Rebic stated that the doctors informed the Novi Sad police about the August 24 beating. The head of the Novi Sad Police Administration, Milorad Šušnjić, stated that the police have been working to clarify the case ever since.
