Vojkan (56) was killed by a ram weighing more than 100 kilograms, his spine was broken, there was no way out!



13.11.2020. 11:38

Vojkan Jevtić (56) from Donji Mišević, near Jagodina, died from serious injuries inflicted by a three-year-old ram weighing more than 100 kilograms on the back and head.

A ruined house

Dilapidated house, Photo: Rina

He had a flock of sheep and goats, and he made a living from it, as did his elderly parents. An unusual tragedy took place on Jevtić’s property, under still inexplicable circumstances, because there were no eyewitnesses.

Vojkan did not lead the sheep to pasture, but instead put something in the pen. As the locals suppose, he concentrated on that work and paid no attention to the warrior battering ram. His health was fragile and he surprised him by hitting him on the spine and then on the head.

Vojkan immediately succumbed to his injuries. It is not known how many blows he received, but it was the first to break his spine and knock him down, fatal were the blows or blows to the head.

– Jevtic was a favorite in the town and everyone knew him, he had a congenital defect, a severe deformity of the spine. It was good and we were all surprised by the news that his ram had passed away. He watched over and cared for his flock. He was active, albeit in poor health. He did not complain about his difficult fate, he tried to take care of his elderly parents. Great sadness, say the neighbors and residents of Donji Mišević.

He was found dead by his parents, who called his neighbors, and then his youngest son, who works in the Serbian Interior Ministry.

– I’m sorry, Vojkan, he was a good man. He kept his flock well. It is not uncommon for rams to strike, but especially to wound, it is rare for them to kill. When cattle ranchers notice that a ram is belligerent, they sell it or kill it. It is an animal of about 100 kilograms, which can cause very serious injuries, say the veterinarians of Jagodina.
