VOICE: SNS officials in Indjija distributed money in competitions


The money from the local treasury in Indjija was invested in media and associations whose representatives are officials of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, shows the investigation by journalist Miodrag Blečić of the Vojvodina Research and Analysis Center (VOICE).

On Live TV Day N1, Blečić explained that these are two associations whose legal representatives are SNS officials. The association whose legal representative is Milan Predojevic, until recently president of the Indjija Municipal Assembly, has been awarded 630,000 dinars in the last two years, while the media whose chief editor Radmila Mitrovic, former head of the SNS parliamentary group in the local parliament, has been awarded 4 in four years. 1 million dinars, notes a VOICE journalist.

Apparently, everything seems legal, a public tender is announced, the money destined for the public interest is determined and then citizen associations appear that compete with their projects, explains Blečić. However, the legal representatives of those associations are the officials who decide where the money will go, he says.

“In this way, the SNS officials distributed money,” says the H1 interlocutor.

Blečić notes that it is debatable not only who the money was allocated to, but also how it was spent. In other words, in accordance with the Law on Access to Information of Public Importance, he requested financial reports on the implementation of projects, and it turned out that of the 630,000 dinars received by Predojevic’s association, most of the money almost it was spent in restaurants, up to 151,000 dinars.

Regarding Radmila Mitrović’s media, 850,000 dinars were spent on YouTube short stories and 200,000 dinars on personal expenses, that is, fees for journalists, presenters, cameramen and editors, including Radmila Mitrović herself.

Blečić recalls that VOICE has previously carried out a similar investigation, which is, for example, it showed that associations whose legal representatives are children of SNS officials received large sums of money, or that two million dinars were given to a sports association registered in the address where the head of the Indjija municipal administration, Aleksandar Banić, lives.

At the same time, as he points out, the media that work objectively never get money from contests, because, according to him, the commission members are representatives of “phantom journalists’ associations”, and never from UNS, NUNS and NDNV.

Blečić also says that the competent authorities have not reacted to his investigation so far. “The job of journalists is to point out the irregularities, and it is up to the competent authorities to react or not. I am afraid they did not react, but I hope they will,” said the VOICE journalist.
