Vladimir Pavićević: Something fantastic happened in Montenegro, the key word is unity


Commenting on the session of Montenegro’s constitutive session, political scientist Vladimir Pavićević told H1 that the fact that an agreement was reached between the three winning coalitions on the speaker of parliament and the prime minister-designate is “something fantastic”. He emphasizes that it is not important at all who will be the head of what ministry, and that there is no doubt about it, but that it was more important: how Montenegro will be administered in the next period.

“There has been a lot of talk about whether the three winning lists, which are so diverse, will have a lot of parties, how now will they be able to agree. Something fantastic happened – until the elections we had the consent of key opposition lists The key objective from Mila Đukanović, that has been achieved, and now we have in action what should be the keyword, and that is – union, “said Pavićević on the N1 Studio Live program.

He believes that it is logical that the holder of the list with the most votes, Krivokapić, is the leader of the composition of the new government.

“It is completely clear to anyone who has followed these elections that this great victory over the DPS cannot result in anything other than the formation of a new democratic government, which will be made up of people who nominated and defeated Milo Djukanovic. Difference, 40 to 41 seats, but in fact the DPS now has 30 seats, not 40, “said Pavicevic.

When asked if it is known which department will get Dritan Abazović’s URA, Pavičević says it is the most interesting question, but …

“What I have noticed in these three weeks since the elections is that the central question is how Montenegro will be governed in the next term, and not who will be in what place. I would let the appointed prime minister consult with various actors.” “Not only with the parties, but also with the non-governmental organizations, there is a name in the government departments. Let’s refrain from speculating for now,” the analyst said.

“Open borders” with Serbia

Commenting on the relations between Montenegro and Serbia in the previous period, Pavicevic says that they have been bad for years in a row. “It was a policy of distancing,” he says.

But, he adds, the citizens remained connected by friendly, family and godfather ties.

“So that political distance was simply inappropriate … I think this coalition will work on the political openness with Serbia, rather than the closed border policy. It is also important to understand the situation that Belgrade official, especially with regard to the statements of Aleksandar Vučić, it was refrained from meddling in the internal politics of Montenegro, and I think that was the right decision ”, emphasized the interlocutor of H1.

However, it is clear that the church has played one of the key roles in Montenegro.

“First, Amfilohije, the investigation has shown that you enjoy terrible respect among the citizens of Montenegro. The church, the metropolis, these are the most trusted institutions in Montenegro. And then that institution found itself under a violent blow from the Milo government. Đukanović through adoption. “The unconstitutional Law of Religious Freedom. The Church, as an actor in danger, reacted in an attempt to defend itself, applying the allowed mechanism – litigation.

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