Vladimir Kostić on the Stefan Nemanja monument


The president of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), Vladimir Kostic, said, “starting with the general place”, that there is no doubt that Stefan Nemanja deserves a monument.

“Personally, the aesthetic line that determines this current monument is not close to me, the dimensions that lead me to the dilemma of whether it is a real balance of the need to return the great man of our history or some other, our needs that he just needs to illustrate, ”he said. Kostic for the new issue of Nedeljnik.

“Finally,” Kostic added, “it seems to me that the monument erected in the 21st century should reflect the sensitivity and authentic sculptural expression of that time.”

“For example, in that amalgamation, the memory of the person, the context and the time is a wonderful monument to Nikola Tesla under the technical powers; if someone were to remove it, we would have no choice but to close those powers,” Kostic said.

Kostic also noted that the biggest problem in Serbia is the lack of social dialogue, and commenting on the elections in Montenegro, he said that he hoped for a rational improvement in relations between the two countries.

“Lack of social dialogue. Solution? Its establishment. I hope it is still possible,” Kostic said when asked what is the biggest problem in Serbia.

Speaking about the situation in Serbia, he noted that “an impression has been created, and I sincerely believe that this is not the case, that political factors have become markedly promiscuous, that differences are irrelevant and that politics in parliamentary democracy can be led to carried out completely and outside the game, they are a necessary evil. “

“Now we see that it cannot. I fear that one of Serbia’s key tasks on the road to democracy will be to rebuild a full ideological range of possibilities in the political offer. Why am I afraid? Out of fear of the duration of such an effort “Kostic explained.

“Preserved nucleus of civil society”

As he added, it seems to him that the “good core” of civil society and civic activism is still preserved in some co-organized groups, which arose, for example, on specific problems in the capital, only now, as he says, it is justified “And they quietly incorporate the principles of the modern left; you can’t do without a hint of ideology.”

Commenting on the elections in Montenegro, he stated that “it would not accelerate what any normal person expects: a rational improvement of relations between the two countries, neither in a hurry, nor with any triumphant embrace.”

“It is a stupid and pretentious impression, if it comes from our side, and a perfidious and no less stupid complaint, when it comes to Montenegro or the region, that the political outcome we are witnessing is not the result of a long-term political fermentation. within this small but historically disproportionately self-conscious country. ” Kostic said.

He stated that he “believes that no others are needed for the current decisions, or the re-enthronement of some false emperor Šćepan Mali.”

“Currently, the citizens of Montenegro must be respected ‘fraternally’ in the right to take a break from the challenges that await them, at least we in Serbia have similar experiences,” Kostic emphasized.
