VLADIMIR (6) WON A PRIZE FROM THE RUSSIA CONTEST: To take over, my mother had to pay 100 euros


That is, when they went to the post office to pick up the package, the receptionist ordered them to pay a customs fee of one hundred euros.

– I showed Vladimir and said: “Just explain to me how the winner of the prize can pay”, because the mail was in his name. I tried to explain that we did not change that “iPad”, that it was a reward that the little one received, and they told me that I could write a complaint with a fee of 480 dinars. However, I was afraid that the package would not return to Russia and decided to take control – said Vladimir’s mother, Bojana Janković.

However, the Customs Administration said that during customs clearance, there was no evidence or documentation to indicate that it was a prize from an international competition organized by the Russian Federation.

– During the customs clearance of APPLE IPAD goods, when inspecting the customs declaration and the postal-customs import declaration, it is unequivocally seen that the value of the goods presented for customs clearance was 30,000 rubles. On the basis of the value presented, customs clearance of the aforementioned goods was carried out and the corresponding duties were collected. That is, no documentation indicated that it was a prize from an international competition organized by the Russian Federation, a gift or any other document indicating that the Customs Privilege Regulation should be applied – they explained to us.

Bojana Janković has a chance to complain.

– If the consignee of the shipment considers that the value of the merchandise has not been applied realistically, it is necessary to go to the customs office with a request-objection, ie. the customs office where the goods are cleared through customs. Customs will inspect the documentation submitted for the application-complaint and, taking into account the circumstances in which the goods were imported, will make an appropriate decision on the merits of the application.

As Bojana explained, a teacher from the Russian Home informed them about the contest, in which her children, twin brothers, participated.

– She also prepared the children to participate and we applied on her initiative. 1,245 applications were received and 10 of them were awarded. I found it especially interesting that he competed with high school students. They all competed on selected topics: fairy tales, fables, songs … – said Bojana.

This is the International Youth Festival “Russian language: the language of poetry.” Of the 1,245 applications, the first 50 finalists and then the 10 winners were selected, and voting was also done through social media.

According to the Customs Law, national citizens of Serbia, economic entities, communities and other organizations are exempted from paying import duties on decorations, medals, sports trophies and other items received abroad in competitions, exhibitions and events of international importance.

To make use of the privilege, the beneficiary presents to the customs authority a document issued by the competent authority in the country or a body or organization of a foreign country that proves that the decoration, medal, monument, sports trophy or other trophy or object was received abroad in a competition, exhibition or events of international importance.


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