Vladanka Malović told Koraks that she was a “slave to a great evil” – Politics


Vladanka Malović, member of the Presidency and head of the Information Service of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, attacked Predrag Koraksić Koraks cartoon published in yesterday’s issue of our newspaper.

Vladanka Malović told Koraks that she was Photo: Miroslav Dragojevic

– When you are able to think of something like this, it is clear that you need professional psychiatric help. When he presents it graphically, it is clear that his abnormal hatred of Vučić is slowly but surely eating away at his brain, and that he is a slave to a great evil. When she regularly publishes such abominations, she gives herself the value of Djilas’s used toilet paper every day: Vladanka Malović wrote and “tagged” the words Koraks and Danas.

His announcement was taken up and soon broadcast by the regime’s media portals.

This is not the first time that prominent members of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party have condemned the Koraks cartoons and treated their content in a negative and offensive way.

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