Viskovic: Very dangerous seizure of the Republika Srpska by Serbia


The professor of the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade, Ivo Visković, stated that a feeling is being created in Serbia, among the intellectual elite, that it is very dangerous, and that is that Serbia deserves “compensation” for Kosovo through the annexation of the Republika Srpska.

“The political elites in Serbia and Croatia are silently or a little less silently destabilizing Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Serbia, the intellectual elite feel again that Serbia must be compensated by Kosovo through the Republika Srpska. This is very dangerous, even if the elites of Serbia and Croatia have such an attitude, then it is dangerous for Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Visković told the conference” Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region a quarter of a century after Dayton “.

At the online meeting, organized by the regional coalition of non-governmental organizations Igman Initiative, Viskovic assessed that “a kind of apartheid at the national level” is happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina, because the three communities do not live together, but together.

“This form of government has not been registered anywhere in the world, and the key question is whether you can maintain a state that is maintained through external interventions by the US and the EU. People live in a community because they have to, not because I feel it. “BiH would provoke the sea-going in the Western Balkans and would certainly provoke incidents, if not conflicts. And some kind of division of BiH would not be a good thing, “Viskovic said.

Sarajevo Faculty of Political Science professor Nerzuk Curak said that Serbia and Croatia, which had a “colossal negative role” in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, do not respect the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Dayton stopped the war, but it did not bring positive peace. Positive peace requires the absence of violence, but it is not enough to say ‘it is good not to shoot’. We need peace based on freedom and justice. To build a political community, we must want “We are still in the phase where some serious political factors do not want to build a political community,” Curak said.

According to him, the forces of secession can only act in a state of emergency and want a permanent state of emergency, which blocks the construction of the state.

“And if the protectorate of the international community is terminated, then there is no more reason to invoke the worst nationalist arguments,” Ćurak said.

Professor at the Podgorica Faculty of Political Science and former Montenegrin Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic said the Dayton Peace Agreement put out the fire, but did not make Bosnia and Herzegovina a functional state.

“There are 14 constitutions in force in the country: the state constitution, the entity constitutions, the district constitution and the cantonal constitutions. Due to the neighbor’s attitude towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, the state is constantly at risk of disintegration “Darmanovic said.

According to him, the joint action of the Euro-Atlantic partners is of key importance for the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“We must not turn a blind eye to the growing nationalism in the region. The EU is not playing a sufficiently positive role in Bosnia and Herzegovina or the Western Balkans, although it is a positive announcement of economic aid to the region,” said Darmanovic, and added that the survival and progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina is key to stability. region.

Dejan Jovic, a professor at the Zagreb Faculty of Political Science, said Bosnia and Herzegovina had not strayed far from favoring ethnopolitics towards the liberal-democratic principle.

“Serbia under Aleksandar Vučić merged the Republika Srpska with Serbia in a mental performance. Some recent statements by Croatia attest to the fact that they only understand at the national level, but not liberally. A new historic agreement is needed for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina they want their country to survive. ” Jovic said.

At the end of the session, a joint Declaration of the Igman Initiative will be adopted. The Igman Initiative was founded in November 2000, as a network of more than 100 civil society organizations, public figures, teachers, anti-war activists, analysts, journalists and cultural creators from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

It was created in memory of April 1995, when a group of 38 intellectuals from the former Yugoslavia, through Mount Igman, managed to enter besieged Sarajevo and thus demonstrate civic solidarity, defiance and resistance to war and the policy of destruction.

The co-chair of the Igman Initiative for Serbia, Milan Antonijevic, stated that Serbia should stop destructively interfering in events in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Serbia has not developed a foreign policy strategy. By formulating that strategy, we should get an answer on how Serbia will stop interfering in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a destructive way,” Antonijevic said.

At the meeting organized by the regional coalition of non-governmental organizations Igman Initiative, Antonijevic said that Serbia’s constructive approach to solving the problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a precondition for Serbia’s European integration.

He said that, according to the investigation, a young man leaves the countries of the region every two minutes.

“It would be better if a minister, the prime minister, the municipality … moved every two minutes,” Antonijevic said.
