Viskovic: growing number of newborns concerned, possibly adjustment measures


Republika Srpska Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said the increase in the number of newborns with coronavirus was worrying and alert, RTRS reported.

“I am afraid we are paying for the Resurrection Guild, despite the fact that we urge citizens to respect the measures,” Viskovic said.

In the RS, more than 80 people were infected with coronavirus in the last two days, with a total of 820 patients with coronavirus.

As the May Day holiday and Djurdjevdan are approaching, the RS Prime Minister stressed that it is crucial that citizens respect the measures.

“The institutions, the headquarters of the crisis and the government have prescribed all the measures, acquired equipment for the health system, organized quarantines. It is crucial that we, as citizens, respect the measures, not for the good of the institutions, but for the sake of our own health and the health of our families, “said the Prime Minister of RS. .

Therefore, Viskovic announced the introduction of “more repressive measures if you consider that irresponsible people are violating the measures.”

“I would not like it to happen, but appreciating the epidemiological situation, we may be forced. We have relaxed some measures these days, and even then we said that we would monitor the epidemiological situation,” he said.

Viskovic added that “he would not like to be in a situation where certain measures must be returned or adjusted.”

“Today, in a government session, we will approve a decree with legal force so that both the community police and the inspectors and members of the MUP can punish irresponsible citizens who violate the prescribed measures, for using protective equipment, disrespecting to quarantines, meetings and the like, “Viskovic said.

Viskovic stated that the headquarters of the Republic reached a decision prohibiting the movement, from May 1 from 12 noon until the next day at five.

The same regime applies to May 2 and 3.

You can read all the information about coronavirus at Live blog and on the page Coronavirus.
