Virologist explains what we know about the coronavirus and how it is transmitted


The coronavirus is not a respiratory virus, but a systemic virus that spreads throughout the body through the blood. The mask is not complete protection, but it prevents the person using it from inhaling 95% of the virus droplets. The severity of the patient’s clinical picture depends mainly on the amount of virus that the person has entered the body, experts believe.

The calls by the authorities for anyone who is infected or has symptoms to stay home in self-isolation has a reason, because as the virologist Milenko Shekler explains, talking, coughing or sneezing emits the highest amount of virus, and therefore a greater possibility of contagion.

“The one that coughs a hundred thousand viruses, and the one that is infected and sits down, could not throw it out in six hours. Someone tore, no matter how human it may be, without protection, without a mask, without anything, the probability that someone will get infected who enters the room an hour after that, no matter how much those particles float, the probability is almost 1 / 1 of them becoming infected, “Shekler said.

Crisis personnel are constantly appealing to wear a mask. Everywhere and at every opportunity.

“Mask, mask and mask. It should be an integral part of the wardrobe. Mask both inside and out. Mask everywhere”, advises the infectologist Mijomir Pelemis.

And what can a mask do and what can’t it do?

“The mask cannot protect you from getting all the virus particles through it, because it is much smaller than its texture, but it can prevent 95 percent of the droplets on its surface from being inhaled, and the droplets have the most of the virus. Over a longer period of time, you receive less virus than you need to become infected, “Shekler explained.

The fewer particles of the virus a person receives, the less chance they will have of getting sick. Also, if a person receives a lower dose of the virus more than once, the body gains immunity and prepares for a possible higher dose.

“Your body will already gain some experience and will say wait, this is happening all the time, every day I am attacked by these 50 or more pieces so that I can prepare myself, perhaps the next day there will be five thousand of them. And then the organism it becomes more resistant and will not be infected in larger amounts, ”says Shekler.

Shekler is of the opinion that the vaccine will not solve the problem permanently, but it is much more realistic for the virus to penetrate the entire population and become commonplace.

“This is too brave to say, I know. People get sick, receive treatment, die, but the simple thing is that when it infects the entire population, the meaning of the vaccine is lost, because it will appear like the flu every year. And We do not get vaccinated every year against the flu, which is crazy that only risk groups are vaccinated ”, he adds.

While the number of patients in Serbia is growing day by day and black records are being broken, the media say that the government could adopt the measures recommended by the crisis headquarters two weeks before in two days.

Read more about covid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the Coronavirus page.
