Violation of the rules and failure to follow measures and discipline could trigger an avalanche


In recent days, the figures show an increasingly favorable epidemiological situation, but we must not allow ourselves to take a step back and start an avalanche, said the deputy director of the Serbian Institute of Public Health, Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, who wished the students a happy and safe back to school.

Kisic reiterated that students’ absence from school will be monitored and expressed satisfaction that 97 percent of parents said they want their child to go to school, which, as she says, is an indicator of great confidence in state institutions.

“Violation of the rules and lack of respect for measures and discipline could trigger an avalanche, so we must all be responsible and conscientious in the situation, we must do everything possible to maintain a favorable epidemiological situation,” said Tepavcevic , adding that the type of social gathering, such as entertainment, is very irresponsible. .

I remind everyone who is planning something similar once again that any behavior that endangers others is not allowed, said Tepavcevic.

The pandemic, as he says, lasts longer than anticipated and regardless of whether we have the desire to be as soon as possible, we must be patient.

“We cannot say until then and then it will be safe and in the next period we will have to live with the virus,” Kisic Tepavcevic said, saying that we must encourage each other to wear masks and act responsibly.

He calls on all those who return to the country to behave in an even more responsible and conscious manner, responsibility must be part of our strategy.

It is critical that we behave in such a way that it does not allow the virus to find fertile ground, he said.

(, Tanjug, TV Pink)

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