VIDEO STOPPED: This is how Lightning II presented documents with witness statements about the KLA crimes! (VIDEO)


It shows a person who brought documents with witness statements to that organization’s headquarters and then fled, reports Gazeta Express.

Haradinaj added that the organization called it “Lightning II for specialized cameras.”

The president of the ORV, the so-called El KLA Hisni Gucati said today at a press conference that they had been provided with documents containing witness statements but not their names, and that the person who brought them had fled.

– We called it ‘Lightning II’ because it was as fast as lightning, but we couldn’t figure out who it was. Two of our colleagues almost caught him to find out who that gentleman was, but he escaped. We who said earlier, 10 days ago, that the Special Court cooperates mainly with the Serbian Prosecutor’s Office, the Serbian Special Court for War Crimes. The two or three papers I have here are in Serbian and English, so the prosecutors cooperated with the Serbian prosecutors, one of them is the Deputy Prosecutor of the Court of Serbia, who formed files and arguments that Albanians allegedly committed crimes “, said. Gucati at a press conference.

Earlier, it was announced that investigators from the Hague-based Kosovo Special Prosecutor’s Office seized 4,000 files on war crimes, which were handed over anonymously to the so-called ORV some time ago. KLA, according to Gazeta Express.

The next guest as the mayor called it: Lightning II for Specialty Rooms …!

Posted by Nasim Haradinaj on Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020

(Kosovo online)

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