VIDEO OF THE ATTACK ON ALEKSANDAR ŠARC Security cameras recorded the moment of the liquidation IN THE GARAGE OF UŠĆE (VIDEO)


Aleksandar Šarac (35), who was shot in Ušće’s garage in New Belgrade on Saturday, October 17, was injured nine days later in hospital, and Lazar I. is suspected of having fired fatal shots without a trace or voice during almost a month. then.

Meanwhile, the images recorded by the security camera emerged on the fateful day in New Belgrade.

Aleksandar Šarac apparently knew for a long time that he was the attacker’s target, and this is indicated by the fact that he always wore bulletproof vests and avoided seeing his friends in hidden places.

– He wore bulletproof vests, drove an armored “Mercedes”, or more precisely, had a driver. All of this indicates that he feared for his life. And he saw his friends in cafes inside shopping centers. That was probably one of his precautions. There are a lot of people in the shopping centers, they are “covered” by video surveillance. Probably for all that, he considered them safer places than ordinary cafes, a restaurant in town. In those criminal confrontations. a small number of executors would dare to shoot the target in front of dozens of cameras and hundreds of people – “Blic” learns from a source familiar with the investigation.

During the escape, he dropped a pistol found by the police. Although the serial number was scratched on the pistol, the suspect was soon identified.

Lazar I is being searched, but it is not yet known if he left Serbia after the crime and if he is alive.
