Video of an unusual animal in the crosswalk ZGRANUO and Belgraders “I saw it in Mirijevo and they all made me CRAZY” (VIDEO)


The video from Zagreb, which has been circulating on social media for days and showing an unusual rat-like animal crossing the street at a crosswalk, also intrigued citizens of Serbia.

The animal, which many think is a giant rat, was supposedly seen in Belgrade, in Mirijevo.

– I saw the same thing in Mirijevo two months ago and they all drove me crazy. At two in the morning he crosses the street but I didn’t get to film, he stumbled behind a tree. Looks identical, dark brown or black, thick short hair. Tailless length of about 60 centimeters and weight of 7-8 kilograms, take this estimate with a reservation. I ran out of the apartment, from the second floor, entered the bushes and heard him move slowly, but I did not dare to continue in total darkness, says a reader.

For days, there has been controversy over whether this unusual creature is a well-fed rat or an otter, one of the largest rodents in the world.

Nutria naturally inhabits the territories of South America, but arrived in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. It was first recorded in Serbia about 50 years ago, and today it can be found in the Danube region, at the confluence of the Velika Morava, Mlava and Peka rivers on the Danube, and sporadically along the Tisza.

Many simply believe that it is an otter and say they have seen many of them in Italy, where they have become so familiar that they know how to eat people by hand. Slovenian citizens also demonstrated and said they often see them in Ljubljana.

This species is considered invasive and represents a potential danger for native species, as well as for humans, as it can carry numerous diseases such as leptospirosis, salmonellosis, pasteurosis, botulism …
