
Today, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Zorana Mihajlović, expelled the director of “Srbijagas”, Dušan Bajatović, from the meeting in the Government of Serbia.

Although no details were given in the ministry announcement that followed, a new recording appeared, with a sound that was heard throughout the course of the discussion.

By order of the minister, he was expelled by security.

Now a recording has appeared showing the course of the debate. As the minister tells him to get out, Bajatović asks why he should:

ZM: Mr. Bajatovic, please leave the meeting.

DB: Why should I leave the meeting?

ZM: Leave the meeting.

DB: I don’t want to leave the meeting.

ZM: Leave the meeting … Call security.

DB: I did not do anything wrong.

ZM: Yes, because when someone from the Government invites you and tells you to attend a very important meeting, it is disrespectful, not for me, but for the Government of Serbia.

You can then see Bajatović, accompanied by security, leaving the meeting room saying “Thank you for this.”

The statement that was later released by Mihajlović did not reveal what Bajatović was objected to. It is only claimed that he was dismissed for “lack of respect for the institution of the Government of Serbia.”

As “Blic” finds out, the minister was angry that Dušan Bajatović did not come with associates from his office, but alone, despite being told to come with them.

– Mihajlović announced the meeting, what and what information he expects to receive from the manager and how cooperation should be. It is evident that Bajatović did not really agree with that. All were invited to come with one of their closest associates, but that was not the case for Bajatović. At the meeting, there were sparks about that, someone would say that he was insolent, someone who was part of Bajatović’s image, but in the end, the minister asked him to leave the meeting. He said “I really won’t”, he called security and left – says the source of “Blic”.

– We asked you to come with your associates and we did not do it in vain. You don’t have any associates – Mihajlović asked, according to the video Tanjug found.

Bajatović justified that his associates were traveling or sick or had other obligations, followed by an order to leave the meeting.
