(VIDEO) DR KON RAPID because of these recordings, and these are not the only parties after which the crown could explode AGAIN


Much dust was raised in the public after epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon strongly condemned the mass gatherings at the celebrations in Smederevo and Vrnjačka Banja, which were later determined to be performed by singer Teodora Džehverović. After all, there were recordings showing why a crisis staff member was so furious.

The recordings that appeared on the social network Twitter show that the singer performs in Vrnjačka Banja in front of a packed room. The audience consisted mostly of young people huddled side by side without the prescribed distance of two meters and without protective masks or any other epidemiological protection.

This angered Dr. Kona, who reacted in the state on the social network Facebook.

– The recordings I receive about yesterday’s mass celebrations from Smederevo, today from last night’s show in Vrnjačka Banja related to the same pop artist, represent a complete boycott of the measures that are prescribed as anti-epidemic measures. Watching such recordings, all the doctors who worked in the kovid hospitals, and especially the infectologists, anesthesiologists and pulmonologists, saw the reloading of hospitals and patients with respirators. Parents of children who need to go to school are afraid. I appeal again to the competent state bodies, institutions and inspectorates to do their job … – wrote Kon.

Responding to comments from his colleagues, he also wrote that he sent a letter to Prime Minister Ana Brnabić on that occasion.

It was later determined that the esteemed epidemiologist was referring to the performances of the singer Todora Džehverović, whom we asked for comment.

– I am not the party organizer or the one who decides how many people can fit in a given space. Just as all people are eager to go to work, I couldn’t wait for this. We are singers of flesh and blood and I make a living from this job and help my family. The authorities are the ones who control and do not blame me for doing my job. I did not feel called – he said on that occasion.

What is known with certainty is that the aforementioned celebrations are not the only ones in which there is a large concentration of young people who respect the prescribed protection measures.

Images of pool parties appear on social media, where it is clear that there is no prescribed distance. We will see in the next period if this will lead to a greater number of patients and another explosion of the corona virus.
