(VIDEO) CHRISTMAS SHOT NEAR SERBIAN RESTAURANT Three Americans injured in fire in Miami, cars of two Serbs damaged


Three people were injured in a shooting last night during a Catholic Christmas celebration in Miami near a Serbian restaurant, and on that occasion, the cars of several Serbs were “killed.”

In the Bayfront Park area, where various Christmas entertainment events were staged, in two separate incidents overnight, three people were injured in a fight between African Americans, while surrounding buildings and cars were damaged.

In the first confrontation, a man and a woman were injured, who received leg and arm injuries, and who later refused to receive medical assistance. After the second shooting, a man was found injured, who did not explain to police how it happened.

It all happened in the part of Miami where a Serbian restaurant was located, where several dozen of our people gathered that night. After the shooting, the police entered a Serbian restaurant and stopped the celebration. The assembled Serbs did not even know there was drama going on outside, and one of them told “Blic” that he soon discovered that his car was damaged in the shooting.

– When the music stopped in the restaurant, the police arrived and asked to calm the situation in the bar a bit, because there were shootings, but soon everything continued. Although we didn’t hear anything, when I came to dinner I noticed a large number of African Americans gathering in different bars. When I got home about an hour after midnight, I found a dozen police cars rotating around that parking lot, which explained to me that several cars were damaged as a result of the shooting. Among them was mine, which shows traces of a bullet. They also told me that I had to leave the car in the parking lot due to their investigation. It’s good that someone else was not injured or killed, says MM, who came to Miami from Serbia four years ago.

Immediately after the shooting and the arrival of the police, the music and entertainment in all the surrounding restaurants stopped for about ten minutes.

As it turned out, the precious cars of the two Serbs were damaged during the shooting. As the investigation is still ongoing, they are not allowed to move their cars from the parking lot until it is determined whether two shootings connected at the same location in a short period of time.
