Vida Ognjenović: Our goal is to calm the situation in DS – Politika


“I hope that after the elections in the Democratic Party, the frictions that have lasted a long time will cease. If our goal was not to calm the situation and serious political action by the Democratic Party in the future, we would not be dealing with that. “Not only I hope that, but all those who participated in this election.”

Vida Ognjenović: Our goal is to calm the situation in DS 1Photo: Beta / Milan Obradović

That’s what Vida Ognjenović, chairman of the organizing committee for the conduct of the elections in the Democratic Party, says of Danas. Ognjenovic, who is also one of the founders of DS, answers our questions about whether the new divisions in this match have been ended.

* Can it happen that you demonstrate the legality of the elections in the DS in court, considering that the other party does not recognize the electoral results?

– I don’t know, anything is possible. We have a legal team. Zoran Lutovac even claims that all DS members who participated in the elections will be expelled. And that’s for people who are involved in politics. There is no reason for me to be expelled from the DS, but it is their power. They can do whatever they want.

* The main objections of the opposing side are that the pro-government media sided with you and it follows that Vučić himself is behind the DS in which you are.

– That is a ridiculous and completely empty accusation. The only thing that is constantly used, because it acts as a killer. Why would we leave the Democratic Party to cooperate with Vučić? Couldn’t we find a better way than to go through this hot rabbit?

* It seems a bit that the DS is an opponent in itself, and that it is not the SNS, Vučić and the current regime.

– You could say that, but not this Democratic Party that we are defending. We assert that the opponent is anyone who does not respect the democratic principles of society and any government that is the government of one man. These are the opponents of the DS.

* During the elections, Dragana Rakić asked him to receive money from the state for his projects.

– Not for my projects, but for theater projects, festivals, etc. That’s a ridiculous roll call. According to her, we should abolish all festivals and become completely illegal. That money is not given to me, but to parties, but why should my merits be small? But Dragana thinks I don’t deserve it.

After all, his intrusion into the polling station was the most common harassment, training for rigor. I kept silent about all these accusations, because I do not believe that politics is the most common disorder in the market and that it is a form of discussion.

* When will the elections in the Democratic Party be completed, that is, when will the election of the president, vice president and all other bodies be confirmed?

– I’m in class, so I don’t have time to take care of that, but the assembly is preparing fast and I think it will be in these days.

* Are you still accepting the candidacy for the presidency of the DS Political Council?

– We will have other candidates, even two. But who will be chosen has yet to be decided. I didn’t even take the job. They asked me at the party if I would accept it and I answered them. We will see more, we will agree, but I warned that I am not a politician to deal with that.

* Lutovac requested the help of the European left to resolve the dispute in the DS. Do you expect them to interfere with your election process?

– What would the European left be against us? We have no principles outside the European left. But I do not expect there to be problems during the registration, that is, the registration of the new chairman of the Democratic Party, Branislav Lecic.

Lecic’s first management meeting

Members of the Organizing Committee for the elections in the Democratic Party were supposed to hold a meeting yesterday in the early afternoon, the first since a “direct” vote for the new leadership was organized on Saturday, our official was told unofficially. ready during the morning. Danas sources indicated that Branislav Lecic and his team were expected to decide the date of the assembly in which the results of the party’s internal elections will be verified, which is not recognized by the previously elected president of the DS, Zoran Lutovac, and according to which Lecic was elected the new leader. Democrats.

As we learned, an official decision was expected to be made at last night’s meeting to invite “many” guests from other opposition parties to the DS assembly, including the former leader of the Democrats and current president of the Social Democratic Party, Boris. Tadic. Tadic was invited to the DS Main Board session, gathered around Lecic and Vida Ognjenovic, at the end of June, at the Belgrade Youth Center. M. Stojanović

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