Veterinarian: It’s not the same when you get bitten by a 5-pound dog or a 50-pound animal! A rottweiler can be a weapon



10.03.2021. 21:05

The horrific death of a four-year-old boy, DB, when two Rottweilers were bitten to death in the courtyard of the family home in Senta on Tuesday night shocked the whole of Serbia. The boy died the day after his fourth birthday, and not all the circumstances of this tragedy are clear. According to their mother Martina B., it all started when the pizza she ordered to give to the little ones for their birthdays arrived.


Rottweiler, Photo: shutterstock

“The mother told the boy to close the gate, and two Rottweilers who weren’t in the box were upset. For now, for some unknown reason, they attacked the boy and started biting him. The mother tried to protect him, but she also attacked him ”, says the source of the investigation.

The mother called an ambulance, the boy was taken to hospital, but died shortly after. The cause of death was serious injuries caused by dog ​​bites. The male and female killer dogs were put to sleep, as was the third animal, a Doberman, who did not participate in the attack. The samples were sent to the Pasteur Institute in Novi Sad to investigate whether the dogs may have been infected with rabies.

This is not the first time that Rottweilers have attacked people, sometimes with a fatal outcome. A boy passing his grandmother was attacked in Pancevo in May last year.


Senta, Photo: Hello! / MO

A woman was walking the dog, when the animal came off the leash and attacked the grandmother and the child for no clear reason. There were no serious consequences just for the sobriety of the woman,

Velinka Bunčić (67) died in 2015 in Ostojićevo, near Čoka. She was also attacked by her dog, an American Rottweiler and Stafford mix. Their son, Milorad Buncic, said they hadn’t had a problem with the dog before and that he was “calm as a lamb.” The woman was found lying in the courtyard, with numerous wounds all over her body and amputated arms.

An unrecorded crime took place in Radinac near Smederevo in 2008. Jovica Nedeljković had an argument at her home with her friend and neighbor Dragan Arsić (48), and the motive is the alleged debt. Then, upset, Nedeljković ordered his unmarried wife to bring him a dog. The Rottweiler incited the unfortunate Arsić, when the dog almost destroyed him. Later, at her husband’s trial, she testified that Nedeljković gave orders to attack the dog for 15 minutes. An autopsy determined that there were 68 bites on Arsić’s body. Nedeljković dumped his mutilated body into a well, where he was later found. Nedeljkovic also killed the dog. He was eventually sentenced to 20 years in prison.

According to veterinarian Marko Ćurčić, this type of dog is not for everyone.

“I can’t talk about the specific case in Senta, because I don’t know all the details. However, in my experience, it is a type of dog that is not for everyone. It is one thing to be bitten by a dog weighing five kilograms, something completely different if it is 45-50 kilograms of animals, no matter how trained it is, that dog must be on a leash and muzzle if people walk it. There must be a notice on the fence of the The owners are responsible for the attacks, but also the legislator, because the laws exist but are not applicable Large and dangerous dogs such as Rottweilers, Pit Bull Terriers, Dogue de Bordeaux and similar breeds are dangerous as weapons. They can react to another male, smell another dog on a human and attack , apparently for no visible reason, “says Marko Ćurčić.

The courier writes that he tried to contact several Rottweiler kennels, but their owners weren’t in the mood to talk.
