VESIĆ RESPONDED TO DEŽULOVIĆ: He sincerely hates Belgrade, it is painful to compare himself with Handke.


Yesterday, Dežulović again spoke about Belgrade in a negative context, saying that the Serbian capital was “assassinated by Momo Kapor and Bora Đorđević”, whom he called “waste of the city”.

We are broadcasting the deputy mayor’s response in its entirety.

“When writing the answer to Dežulović, I knew that it was not fair to put this spiritual provincial and simpleton in the same line as the inhabitants of Belgrade, Tin Ujević, Antun Gustav Matoš, Gustav Krklec or Ivan Meštrović. He did not deserve the company of Džoni Štulić. Held in Belgrade.

Dezulovic’s answer is somewhat idiotic. Nobody asks Dežulović to love Belgrade. He sincerely hates Belgrade, with the fear of Eugene of Rastinjak, who in Balzac’s novel “Uncle Gorio” looks down from the cemetery at Paris and shouts: “And now it’s our turn!”

Nobody forbids you to write about Belgrade. It is painful to compare yourself to Nobel laureate Peter Handke, who sincerely loves both Belgrade and Serbia. And who was willing to pay the price to support Serbia. As Dežulović now charges for spitting in Belgrade and Serbia. But, it is a proven recipe to succeed and win in Croatia. Dežulović finally got it.

What Dežulović has no right to do is call one of the greatest Serbian rulers, in Serbia, Baron Munchausen. At least not in Serbia. It is a mockery not only of our people but also of history. Calling Stefan Nemanja Munchausen, he says that the history of Serbia is a lie. So, according to Dežulović, the history of Serbia does not exist, unlike the “great history of Croatia”. Serbia has no history, but as Dežulović teaches us, Croatia does, which has been ruled by rulers since the beginning of the 12th century, “Nemanjići and Imanjići”, but foreigners. Various Arpadović, Anjouans, Habsburgs, Jagiellonians, up to the unfortunate Tomislav II, who was appointed by Ante Pavelić in agreement with Mussolini and the Italian house of Savoy, ruled Croatia. So feel free to erect monuments to Dežulović to their rulers, “Nemanjić and Imanjić”, the only problem is that they were not Croatian. Whatever monument you erect to foreign rulers, we will not mock sculpture the way you mock Stefan Nemanja.

Dežulović told us that Belgrade was a metropolis and then Momo Kapor and Bora Đorđević settled and destroyed it. Here we finally find out who is to blame for the fact that Belgrade is a Serbian city, and looking through Dežulović’s eyes, that means “peasant”. Because in Croatia, this is how Serbs are perceived, as peasants on tractors who still need to drop bombs or feces, as everyone wants. And that tells us, a man in whose city, which is otherwise a metropolis, unlike the village of Belgrade, there is still an infamous facility called “Lora”, a horrible camp for Serbs where they were tortured and killed.

The problem for Dežulović is that Belgrade will always be a metropolis. As much as you hate it, as well as the people who live in it. Except for those fifty or a hundred people who applaud you when you insult the city where they live. Why is Belgrade so big? I do not know how to explain it to you. It is like the novels of the “notorious writer who settled in Belgrade”, as Dežulović says, Mom Kapor. When he wrote the trilogy about Sarajevo (Keeper of the Direction, The Last Flight to Sarajevo and Chronicle of the Lost City), which is otherwise banned in that city, a smuggler smuggled those books to a flea market. “What do you need that garbage for,” asked an old woman? “And what are you going to do, ma’am? It takes,” replied the salesman.

So it is for you, my Dežulović with Belgrade. What to do, it takes! “

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