Vesić on the club in Dorćol: political history, communal did not find anyone there


Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić claimed that the communal militia reacted immediately after citizens reported that a night party was taking place at the “Dorćoleta” club, but that no one was found there.

Specifying that the Communal Militia reacts to each citizen complaint, Vesić said that in this particular case it reacted ten minutes after information appeared on social media about the violation of epidemiological measures that Belgrade club, which, according to the media, is owned by a member of the Old City Municipal Council, Andrej Kesić, close to the Serbian Progressive Party.

“If they violated the measures, they will respond, but this is a political story because there are people who are trying to politicize the crown,” the deputy mayor told Prva Televizija.

He was asked if the media accusations were correct. that the construction and erection of the monument to Stefan Nemanja in Sava Square cost about nine million eurosVesić said he did not want to comment on unofficial information, but also assessed that it was “like asking how much Hilandar or Studenica cost.”

“Some things are being done by our people for centuries. The Stefan Nemanja monument will be a global attraction,” Vesic said.

He also affirmed that the City Council will support the proposal of the medical part of the Crisis Staff not to organize a New Year’s Eve in the restoration facilities.

“40,000 people work in the catering industry, we have made sure that their facilities are open until 8pm, so it is not a big problem that they do not work on New Years Eve,” said Vesić, announcing that “it will be a long time” until let the discos in Belgrade begin to work.

He also announced that in 2028, Belgrade will have two metro lines with 43 stations.

A competition for the construction of 16 new kindergartens has been announced

Belgrade has announced a tender, worth 1.9 billion dinars, or 16.2 million euros, for the selection of companies that will design and build a total of 16 new kindergartens by 2023, of which six next year, and in the period from 2022 to 2023 ten more kindergartens, said Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić.

He said that the City Hall finished the kindergarten in Surcin, a tender was announced for the reconstruction of the annex of the Vracar city municipality on Kursulina street and the conversion of this space into a kindergarten, and that they are currently being built kindergartens on Miloja Zakića Street in Čukarica, Belo Polje on Obrenovac, Block 62 and on Bežanijska kosa in New Belgrade, on Novogradska Street in Zemun and on Patriarch Pavle Boulevard in Rakovica.

“This year, about 3,000 children were on the waiting list for a place in kindergartens, while in 2014, 10,000 children were waiting for a place in kindergartens. This means that there will be no waiting lists in Belgrade at the end next year, “Vesić said. .

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