Vesić found that feces cause stench in Čukarica, it is not known when the cleanup will take place.


Although the ecological catastrophe in Cukaricki rukavac, which is located near Ada Ciganlija in Belgrade, has been going on for weeks, the authorities have no answer on what exactly they will do to solve the problem. Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić claims the inspection went to the field and determined that the feces caused a problem. Activists from the “One in Five Million” initiative protested the non-reaction of the city administration in Cvetni trg, where Goran Vesić was supposed to install a time capsule, but still did not appear at the event.

The future source of the Belgrade Cvetni trg ran out of time capsule. Because, although the city administration announced that it would appoint him today, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić did not attend the event.

Together with journalists, activists from the “One in Five Million” initiative have been waiting for him for almost an hour, saying they came to point out the ecological catastrophe that affected Cukaricki’s arm.

“As he persistently ignores this problem, we came to bring him this fish and this water so that he could smell it and ask if the water was contaminated, and we want to ask him – who is poisoning us but him, because we know that someone is poisoning and we know that there is at least ten factories in the vicinity of the Topčiderska river that flows into the Čukarica arm, and certainly more that may be potential pollutants, “said Sofija Nedeljković of the One in Five Million initiative.

And who contaminates the Cukaricki arm, which is only a few kilometers from the center of the city, has not been officially known for weeks. Because, the contaminated water and the large number of dead fish did not alert the authorities to solve it as soon as possible.

Because of that, day by day, the unbearable stench spreads more and more in Belgrade. And the answer to the question of how the problem will be solved concretely, is not given by the city leadership either.

Because, although he did not come to assemble the time capsule, the deputy mayor managed to go to Batajnica with President Aleksandar Vučić, where he told H1 that the inspection verified what was happening in Čukarički rukavac.

“And it was determined after their measurements that it was organic matter, which means that they are feces, not companies, so it is not contamination that comes from a company, and that is what we more or less knew,” he said. Vesić.

Vesić also claims that this is known to be a problem that is three decades old.

“And nothing has changed, unfortunately Topčiderka has an open sewer and all you see in Topčiderka is sewage coming out of the houses. And now only more of that mud has accumulated and it is,” he said.

It is not yet known how much the infection that spreads from Cukaricki’s arm affects the health of citizens.

The deputy mayor points out that the Municipal Institute of Public Health has yet to determine that. It also says that the feces will start to be cleaned, only when the Srbijavode company announces a public tender for that. And in addition to faeces, sewage also generates pollution.

“We dump around 60,000 Olympic pools of feces into the Danube on the Danube every year, and the fact is that we are the only big city in Europe that poisons its two rivers and destroys them that way,” Vesić concluded.
