Vesić: Existing measures are more than sufficient, but catering companies should not knowingly violate them


The existing measures to prevent the coronavirus are more than enough, but to really implement them, and not let it happen that every night 15, 20 or 50 catering companies announce parties on social networks, knowingly violate the measures and behave with arrogance said the deputy mayor of Belgrade. Goran Vesić.

Amendments to the law on the protection of the population against infectious diseases are a kind of test for all state bodies to start constantly implementing epidemiological measures, Vesić told TV Kurir, reports Beoinfo.

Vesić pointed out that the new law, which came into force today, allows the communal militia, together with inspectors and sanitary inspectors, who until now have been the only ones, to control the implementation of existing measures in a much more efficient way.

Before talking about new measures, we will implement the existing measures to the end, Vesić noted.

He assessed that the situation in Belgrade “is dramatic, but he must be sober” and recalled the obligation to wear masks indoors and on public transport, keep distance and avoid risky meetings.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus
