Vesić announces regular ozonation of buses, experts say: inadequate and no effect


The Belgrade authorities have decided that public transport vehicles will receive hand sanitizers. Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić also says that the buses will be ozonated to keep citizens safe. However, experts consider such a move to be absurd. They say that ozone should not be used to sterilize vehicles, because it is not recommended.

In the first and second waves of the crown nothing. Only in the third, city buses received hand sanitizers. Although they stand next to the driver, they pass as if they weren’t there. And although most of the masks are used, sterilization of the hands in transport is still lacking for now. Citizens say they did not notice the bulldozers on some vehicles.

“Announced, but not yet, I did not realize, I was on the tram, bus 89, 26”.

“I didn’t even realize that everyone wears masks, they just put them on the bus.”

“I was on a bus and I didn’t notice any disinfectant.”

“I think it should have been earlier, because the crown has already developed.”say the citizens.

And to stop the virus from developing, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić says that city buses will be ozonized twice a week, which he estimates is enough to be safe.

“By ozonating the bus, absolutely all bacteria and microorganisms are destroyed, and once the bus is ozonized, it lasts for three to four days, and the effect lasts as long,” Goran Vesić said yesterday.

Ozone has no anti-corona effect on city traffic, notes Oliver Stojković, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine. It also says that the World Health Organization has repeatedly warned that ozone should not be used to disinfect.

“The problem with ozone is that it is a volatile gas and the disinfection lasts exactly as long as the bus is not ventilated, so after it leaves the garage where the ozonation was done and when the first infected passenger arrives, that bus turns to infect, so it doesn’t provide that security for a few days, “said Stojkovic.

Experts also warn that ozone sterilization can affect human health.

“Ozone often causes burning eyes, runny nose, it can make asthma worse, it can make chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worse, these are all some of the side effects of ozone, and let me remind you that ozone is also part of pollution. from the air, “says pulmonologist Tatjana Radosavljevic.

“Honestly, I do not know why these city fathers chose this method, I think it is not an adequate answer to the problem of sterilization of urban transport, nor is it enough. Measures to maintain hygiene on the bus are much more important, therefore that buses must be washed regularly every day. ” soap, “says Professor Stojković.

The city leadership did not explain why the decision was made to use ozone in city vehicles as a weapon in the fight against the invisible enemy – the crown. Another man from the city, Goran Vesić, said it was a method recognized by the Trampoline Institute of Public Health.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
