Vesić announced criminal charges “for corruption during the construction of the Bridge over Ada”


Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić stated that the city of Belgrade will file criminal charges against unidentified persons next week for the prosecution to investigate who was involved in the alleged corruption during the construction of the Bridge in Ada.

Media close to the authorities published allegations of corruption during the construction of the Ada Bridge, in which, according to their allegations, the president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, was involved.

“The city of Belgrade was not aware of that. We are surprised that apparently someone in Greece has made contracts in which they linked their commission to getting a job in Belgrade, and it is clear that it is corruption,” Vesic said in a statement published in the Serbian Progressive Party portal. (SNS).

Vesić said the report would be submitted to investigate allegations of corruption contracts and determine who was involved in the corruption around the Bridge in Ada.

He claimed that an annex to the contract was made between the contractor and the City of Belgrade and that the contractor received more than 14 million euros, of which more than nine million just because he released Most na Ada on New Year’s Eve, 31 December 2011.

That was done, says Vesić, for then-mayor Dragan Đilas to launch his pre-election campaign for the 2012 elections and see that it amounts to a scandal.

“We knew about it, but until now we had no information that companies in Greece, obviously owned by people from Serbia, received commissions for the fact that the Bridge over Ada was being built here,” Vesić said.

He added that he hoped that the prosecution, with international legal assistance from Greece and other countries, would investigate what was happening and that “finally the people who took the commission of the then most expensive project in Belgrade and Dragan Djilas, who is responsible for it. , finally reply “.
