Vesić: After 50 years of promise, the construction of the metro will start next year.


Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić said yesterday was exactly 50 years since Belgrade was promised the subway, and that during that time there were no authorities and mayors who did not promise that project.

“They were easy and difficult years, more or less money. The metro was promised in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. Now we have reached the situation that we will start building the Belgrade metro next year. I know that many citizens now do not trust us, but I say that next year we will start building a warehouse in Makiško polje, “Vesić told TV Pink.

According to him, a memorandum will be signed in January between two subway contractors, Horse company “Power China” and French company “Alstom”.

“The Chinese are in charge of construction works, the French of technology, trains, locomotives, switches, rails. This memorandum will resolve their mutual relations. We will adopt a detailed regulatory plan for Makiško polje by the end of the year. Some are already in place. attacking and saying that the area of ​​the water source has decreased. That is not true because it is on the completely different side, “explained Vesić.

As Vesić said, the metro will have the first two lines of 40.5 kilometers. The first line will have 21.3 kilometers and 23 stations, the second of 19.2 kilometers and 20 stations. It will be about 2.5 kilometers above the ground, everything else will be underground.

“If we stick to the dynamics, and there is no reason not to stick to it, because we will adopt the PDR for Makiško polje, Ežis is doing the design in phases, and as each phase ends, we are working and not waiting for it to happen. complete the whole project. We are with the Chinese. Minister Siniša Mali and I had a meeting and we have already agreed to acquire machines with which to dig underground. So that citizens do not see the construction of the subway itself, but the construction of stations subway, “Vesić said.

He added that Serbia will pass a law on the metro next year, because we currently have no law regulating it.

“At the same time, we are working on a project to expand the Bg train. It will include all suburban municipalities except Grocka, which currently does not have the capacity to do so. Last year we extended the Bg train to Lazarevac, Barajevo, Mladenovac and Sopot. Now from the Vuk monument to the center of Lazarevac It can be reached in 63 minutes by train, which is impossible by car and bus, and to the center of Barajevo in 47 minutes. We will purchase seven new comps in 2021 to cover the expanded network. In 2022 we will replace 12 existing compositions. Due to the new lines that we will build from Zemun train station, the Bg train is expanding to Surcin, we include the center of Surcin, the National Stadium, the airport and Obrenovac, we will need 12 new compositions and the Bg train will be our railway urban that together with the metro will form a single system. “Vesić said.

On the Stefan Nemanja monument – we’ve been waiting for it for eight centuries

Regarding the Stefan Nemanja monument, Vesić said he can understand that people have different opinions that someone likes me and someone else doesn’t. He added that there were attacks on the Eiffel Tower, and now it is a symbol of Paris.

“Many are opponents, but their problem is not the aesthetics of the monuments, but the problem is that they are two different policies. Vučić’s policy is that we respect our history, celebrate our heroes and walk towards Europe with great pride. His policy is that Serbia is a small country that “The erection of a monument to Stefan Nemanja is a hallmark of the victory of Serbian politics in Serbia. Eventually we will come across the false elite who think that only Serbia has no right to celebrate its heroes, “Vesic emphasized.

As he said, Stefan Nemanja is the ancestor of our most important medieval dynasty.

“We have been waiting for the monument for eight centuries, and someone like President Vučić took so long to propose the erection of the monument. And the stories about whether it is tall or not, for example, the Place de la République in Paris is 32,000 square meters and The monument is 26 meters high, the Stefan Nemanja monument is 23 meters high. They don’t want Stefan Nemanja to have a monument in Belgrade. London may have a monument to its famous admiral and France a monument to the Republic, and we don’t , We are forbidden to do so. In the minds of those who oppose Serbia. “It should not be proud, it should be weak, it should be a country that apologizes to others. Vučić’s Serbia is strong, respecting others, threatening no one and respecting their history, “concluded Vesić.
