Verdict in favor of Boško Obradović: Courage of the judges or political marketing? – politics


The verdict of the first instance of the judge of the First Court of First Instance of Belgrade, whereby the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, agrees to pay the leader of Dveri Boško Obradović 200,000 dinars with default interest, and within a period of 15 days represents a bold and courageous decision.

Verdict in favor of Boško Obradović: Courage of the judges or political marketing?  1Photo: FoNet / Božana Pavlica; Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrđa; Photo: Fonet / Aleksandar Barda

Some Belgrade lawyers believe this and point out that this may be an indication that President Vučić could lose other lawsuits against him.

Danas interlocutors have no doubt that the president will use the final decision of the Court of Appeals for marketing purposes, whatever it may be, and Vladimir Djukanovic, a member of the Serbian Progressive Party and lawyer, still notes that the verdict in favor of Bosko Obradovic shows only the influence of Vucic and the government in the judiciary. .

When asked about the near-historic first instance verdict from the First Court of First Instance judge, Djukanovic only briefly told Danas not to comment on the court’s verdicts.

“But a lot about the influence of the government and Vučić in the judiciary,” Đukanović said.

Let us remind you that the reason for Obradović’s lawsuit was two guest appearances by Aleksandar Vučić on TV Pink on February 13 and 16, 2019, in which he called the Dveri leader a “thief” and a “fascist” in a live broadcast. .

Lawyer Božo Prelević welcomes the court’s decision and notes that he is satisfied with it, because it is deeply true.

“If we miss Mr. Obradović and Mr. Vučić, we should be very satisfied with the court’s decision, because the court correctly assessed the fact that politicians are marketing and poisoning citizens.” To be a fascist, it is still necessary to fulfill many preconditions that I do not see in Boško Obradović’s behavior. This seems to me primarily a victory for the court and the rule of law, and I really like the courage of the judge to make such a decision. My heart is full when I hear that there are judges who will make a decision no matter who the parties to the dispute are. That speaks of the independence of the court and everything else is less important, “Prelević explains to Danas, adding that it is less important whether Vučić will actually pay the 200,000 dinar compensation.

Danas’ interlocutor also doubts that the insult campaign will disappear after such a verdict, but also that it will be a problem for someone to pay 200,000 dinars.

“The greatest quality of all this is the independence of the court,” concludes Prelevic.

For lawyer Vladimir Gajić, nothing has been completed yet, because this is only a first instance verdict that must be confirmed by the Court of Appeal.

He says it is unknown whether Vučić’s lawyers will appeal the verdict and that any comment would be an assumption of an uncertain circumstance that will occur.

Gajic, however, believes that the president of the SNS and the state will use any decision, whatever it is, for marketing purposes and in the electoral campaign for the presidential elections.

“As a master of propaganda, if the verdict becomes final, he will say that he now has proof that he does not control the judiciary. And if he wins the dispute, he will have arguments to say that Boško Obradović is a fascist and that the verdict proved it. It’s a win-win situation. “I must say, however, that the judge showed a dose of courage in this process and that the verdict also showed that Aleksandar Vucic could lose other lawsuits against him by Vuk Jeremic and some other leaders. from the opposition, “Gajic said.

He also mentions that he would advise Boško Obradović, the leader of Dveri, should he eventually win this dispute, to forgive Vučić the money he should collect from the lawsuit.

“That would have much more effect than charging 200,000 dinars, because in case of payment, the president would complain that he does not have money for bread and milk, because his salary is low.” It is a small victory for someone from the opposition and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my fellow lawyers Vladimir Todorić and Boško Obradović on this victory, but the fact is that we are constantly grappling with some small side issues, rather than big things. ” Vladimir Gajić concludes in Danas’ statement.

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