Veljko Belivuk’s group made directly by the state


Former water polo player and member of the Serbian national team, Danilo Ikodinović, stated that the “Velja Nevolje group” was not formed yesterday, that it was formed in the last nine to 10 years “while they are in power” and that “they were their hand. extended “.

Ikodinović tells H1 that the representatives of the authorities picked up that group in the tribune or in the street to do all the dirty work for them, and in return they gave them to do their work: organized crime, drug distribution, blackmail, murder. ..

“That group was created directly by the state, that’s for sure,” Ikodinović said, adding that it was not true that the government found out about this group two months ago and that they immediately called for his arrest.

“They have images of the last demonstrations last year, when they were in June, July… that they were photographed in those demonstrations harassing, arresting those people, handcuffing them, shooting them in the head. That group is the absolute product of this country, and what they are trying to wash and pass the ball to the other side, is for the crazy, ”says Ikodinović.

He also stressed that he does not expect the story about the Belivuk criminal group to be clarified because he says that “everyone is very involved in every possible way.”

“I mean the ruling party, they are trying by all means to wash themselves, they are trying to transfer everything to others who have nothing to do with it,” Ikodinović said and recalled the latest pro-regime media report on KRIK and alleged connection to the crime.

“And KRIK was the first to start in 2016 to talk about the connection between Belivuk and his criminal organization and the government system,” Ikodinović said, adding that nothing spectacular will be revealed and we will not get to any truth.

We are talking about the connection between politics, sport and crime. The best example is Slavisa Kokeza, who is still the president of the FSS, who is accused of embezzlement of 640 million euros, when he is accused of planning the assassination of the president, who is connected to the Belivuk team. “There is no better example of that combination, and his friend, President Vučić, led him to the head of the FSS.” That is the most drastic example of that combination ”, says the former member of the national team.

He adds that such a man would be “expelled to the North Pole in a normal state”, and in our country they pass the ball to unimportant people and cite the example of prof. Vladimir Vuletić, former vice president of FC Partizan, who intercepted his conversations with Belivuk.

“If that is the case, bring the president and the secretary general and the entire leadership of Partizan, to defend me, they will say that I hate Partizan, no, I am a great participant in Partizan,” he says.

Regarding Vuletic’s statement that he will not allow the media to judge him, he said that it passes as one who expresses opinions that are not the will of the State.

Ikodinovic hopes that something similar will happen to him, because in Serbia, the right to freedom of expression has been abolished a long time ago. “As soon as you think with your head, you are automatically against the regime that brought so much good to Serbia, brought nothing good, which ruins us more and will ruin us even more, and I will continue to express my opinion because I don’t want to live in a country where the value system is so disturbed, “says Ikodinović.

When asked to comment that in 2018 he was on the list of public figures supporting Vučić, he said he did so “because he was stupid” and had bad advisers.

“I kept a restaurant and I thought this would make my life easier, but it didn’t make it easier for me, I felt terrible until I wrote on Twitter and got rid of it. From the first moment I realized that I had been wrong, but it was too late, it was already on the air. Hypocrites are trying to wear that, that I worked for SPS and SNS for many years, “says Ikodinović, adding:” That’s something I’ll wear. “
