
Veljko Belivuk (36) aka Velja Nevolja managed to avoid being stopped by the police, because he had two “Audis” in his fleet, exactly the same as the director of the police, Vladimir Rebić. He came to make plates identical to those assigned to the police director.

According to the information we have, Velja Nevolja deftly avoided stopping the traffic police, but also the radars that were on the road, by acquiring two “Audis” for his criminal activities, of the same model and color as the police director. , Vladimir. Rebić.

– He even got the plates that the police director has, which he put on the vehicles, so that no one would stop him thinking it was an official car. The plates that are assigned to the police employees who are in higher positions are removed from the system, and when the vehicle passes through the street, it does not stop, because based on the plates you can see that someone in a high position in the police is in the car. Belivuk knew it too, and came up with a plan on how to carry out crimes without hindrance and visit places without anyone suspecting he was there, says a “Blic” source who is familiar with the investigation.

The two cars were seized in police action during the arrest of Belivuk and members of his group. In addition to them, as we found out, dozens of other vehicles were seized and sent to seek expertise.

– The cars were seized from all the suspects, but also from their wives, but also from other relatives. It is suspected that many of these vehicles were used for liquidations and kidnappings. Expert examinations should indicate whether there is DNA or any other trace of missing persons in the car, who are suspected of being killed by Belivuk – says our interlocutor.

Veljko Belivuk and members of his group were brought to TOK for questioning.

Photo: MUP RS

Veljko Belivuk and members of his group were brought to TOK for questioning.

Belivuk was arrested on February 4 in a large operation by the secret police, along with 23 other members of his criminal group, which spread fear for years, mainly in Belgrade. Since then, the police have been tirelessly searching for evidence to help sentence Velja Nevolja and her associates to prison terms. For now, they are suspected of the most serious crimes: murders, torture, kidnappings, but it is well known that they were involved in drug trafficking for the Montenegrin Kavac clan, but also in organized crime in Belgrade, Pancevo, Nis …

The arrest of Velja Nevolje and her team

Photo: RAS Serbia

The arrest of Velja Nevolje and her team

Large traces of blood, as well as the remains of disinfectants with which that blood was extracted, were found in various places used by this criminal group. Most of the traces indicating torture, and as murders are suspected, were found in the terror house, surrounded by a high concrete fence, in Ritopek. Traces of burning were also found in this house on the ground … However, according to unofficial information, traces of blood were also found in other huts used by Velja Nevolja. Weapons, snipers, but also large amounts of money were found in certain places.

In one of Belivuk’s secret safes, which was found in a weekend house in Vrčin, a package of about twenty keys was found, for which the police are trying to determine which door they are opening and what is hidden! behind her! It is clear that these keys are important to Belivuk, considering that he hid them in a safe along with several tens of thousands of euros obtained, most likely, from drug trafficking.

Zaplenjen i Rastin auto

The rapper's car grows more and more caught in this action

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

The rapper’s car grows more and more caught in this action

A luxury Mercedes of rapper Stefan Đurić Rasta, who was released from prison last month, was brought to Makiš, in front of the UKP and SBPOK facilities, during the apprehension of members of the Belivuk criminal group suspected of the most serious crimes. As we wrote, members of the Belivuk criminal group have been working as security for Rasta in recent months and looked after him while he was in prison for possessing an increased amount of marijuana.

His detention expires tomorrow.

Veljko Belivuk, as well as members of his group who were arrested on February 4, will have their 30-day detention ordered by the Belgrade High Court tomorrow. This court will consider tomorrow whether there are conditions for his detention to be extended for another 30 days.
