VELIBOR DžOMIĆ’S REACTION TO THE VUKOVIĆ MOVEMENT: The decision to donate the land of the Church of St. George in conflict with morals, justice and logic!


– It is a devastating allegation that the Capital “made the decision to determine the state land located at the other end of the Gorica hill, away from the Church of San Jorge, for this purpose (as a gift to the so-called CCP)”.

– The decision was not made in the manner prescribed by the law and the statute of the Capital, but it is not yet on the agenda of the Assembly of the Capital at the end of this month. The mayor, in fact, revealed to us that decisions are not made by the competent body but by the non-competent body. It is evident that with so much violence against the right, the Capital Assembly is deprived of the powers prescribed by law and statute. I am not aware that such arrogance and anarchy have been publicly announced so far, and that, as has been said, “due to the objective information of the public” is stated in the reaction of the archpriest-staurophore Dr. Velibor Džomić, an elder of the Church of St. George and Archbishop’s Deputy. statements by the mayor of Podgorica Ivan Vukovic.

– I agree that the public finally had to find out how Mayor Vukovic manages the Capital by turning it into a private business and that he was finally informed objectively about this – continues Dzomic, adding that Mayor Vukovic spoke in a statement only about what it is not problematic.

– His only “argument” is contained in the claim that the land in question, otherwise confiscated from the Church of St. George, is “far from the Church”. You can see that the mayor, who points out that Podgorica has become a metropolis, is obviously not clear about what is near or what is far. What is so far below Gorica? And, if it is very far away, why is it the subject of the same DUP? By the way, since he took office, Vukovic has never visited the Church of St. George as the oldest active religious and culturally active building, from which it can be concluded that he is so far away from it, regardless of whether it is within 300 meters from your office.

– The decision to donate the land to a newly formed religious community that does not exist

has nothing to do with the Orthodox Church is in conflict with morality, but we leave it to the citizens and the public in the hands of the court – said Džomić, adding that the decision to donate land taken from the Church of St. George, According to the relevant evidence and the events prior to the war, it is in conflict and with morals, and with justice, and with logic.

– Of course, not a single word was written about that in the announcement of the Capital. I repeat that we will use all legal means to avoid Vukovic’s anarchy. The extent of Vukovic’s fraud with confiscated church property is best illustrated in the DUP “Nova Varos 2”, which was adopted during his tenure. I mean, they are in that DUP

religious buildings explained with the designation “VO” and clarified as “area for religious buildings”. The confiscated church parcels (# 2280/4 and 2280/7 of the real estate list # 5791 KO Podgorica II), which are currently being taken to the state, on which Vukovic, he admits, made a decision without holding the Capital Assembly, they are marked as “MN” and clarified as “surfaces for mixed purposes”. The only area that is destined for a religious building below Gorica is the one where the Church of Saint George with a cemetery is located. But in the DUP, the parcels destined for the Vukovic transaction are marked “MN”. Does that mean that all parcels under Gorica marked with “MN” may be destined for a religious building if Vukovic thinks about it? If you were determined to plan a religious building on the mentioned plots, then the question arises: why are the plots not clearly marked for religious purposes? A religious building can be constructed in mixed-use areas only on the condition that residents living in the area of ​​that DUP request it. Of course, there is no such thing, but that does not oblige Vukovic.

– The Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral is not the only one that has the right to exist in Podgorica and Montenegro, and never, regardless of what Vukovic is trying to plant, have I not said it either in public or in private. However, the Metropolitanate was the only one that expressed its intention in 2006 and began the process for the purchase of the site on which the religious building is projected in Konik. Instead of finalizing the procedure for the construction of the Church of St. Vasilije Ostroški, the city administration entered the procedure of issuing the plot in question for the construction of a car wash! By the way, Vukovic doesn’t distinguish between “getting a location” and what is a land gift. For him, it’s the same! Of course, Vukovic did not comment on the fact that Podgorica does not have a city hospital in this epidemiological situation whose end and balances are not in sight, and now I ask him publicly why he does not act in accordance with the measures prescribed by the DUP (p. 102). to protect the ancient cemetery under Gorica. In the end, Vukovic can and does have the right to donate his ancestry, but he has no right to donate the land that was taken from the Church of St. George, says Veibor Dzomic.

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