Velebit: we are on the brink of civil strife


Political scientist Vuk Velebit stated in Novi Dan that protests in front of the Serbian Assembly show that we are on the brink of civil conflict. “You have been creating tension here for years, society is polarizing and there are big divisions on every issue, and then when you start sending people to people, it is very dangerous, and can easily lead to escalation and conflict “Velebit noted.

Speaking about the latest events in front of the Serbian Assembly, he says that he sees in this the continuity of what has been happening here lately.

“Both during the curfew and during the pandemic, we were able to see President Vučić touring Serbia and there were massive rallies, which should not have happened. We saw that the curfew was violated by hooligans who lit torches in” We saw them taking place concerts in some hotels, while, on the other hand, people were in custody and pensioners were fined. All the time we have continuity of power towards the pandemic, “Velebit said.

According to him, what happened yesterday was the culmination of political irresponsibility.

“Just seven days after the abolition of the curfew, he is organizing a demonstration attended by 5,000 citizens, as President Vučić said, and it is a demonstration organized by the SNS. I think there is no dilemma that this is a third, as the president said, but it is a new tactic that we see in the performance of the SNS and President Vučić to absolve himself of the responsibility, to say that it was organized by someone else, “said Velebit.

He warns that protests in front of the Serbian Assembly show that we are on the brink of civil conflict.

“What we saw yesterday that a man nearly knocked out a woman with a blow to the head shows that the government cannot control its supporters. It is very dangerous. You have been creating tension here for years, society is polarizing and there are great divisions on each issue, and then when you start sending people to people, it’s very dangerous and can easily lead to escalation and conflict, “Velebit emphasizes.

He adds that although the woman’s attacker was arrested at last night’s protest, as well as the man who threatened the Vreme journalist, Jovana Gligorijevic, via social media, he serves “as an alibi for the authorities, and that he is a simple farce. “

“If you send hooligans to the torches every day during the curfew, if you organize almost a persecution against political opponents and journalists, these arrests only serve to show that the institutions are working. We are the first country in history where the government begins a hunger strike because you are not satisfied. ” situation where you have absolute power and responsibility for what is happening … Yesterday’s events better describe that there is no rule of law in Serbia, that there are no institutions and that laws are not applied here, I think it is the greatest danger and will be the greatest achievement of this. authorities, the collapse of institutions and the reduction of politics to the lowest possible level of civilization, “emphasizes Velebit.

“If we had to analyze why the government responds to hitting the Sherpas in this way, and then we have torches burning, then we have a protest by a man, and then 5,000 people approach a man, I think those are signs that Vucic is afraid of something, that they are means that it is necessary to create an atmosphere to tell supporters that “it is us.” This yesterday was an attempt to show strength, even in a situation where you have absolute power, “he says. Velebit.
