VAN maneuvers: Serbian “armor” fired at targets on the ground for the first time and “pass” in the air (VIDEO)


That is part of the preparation for the big exercise that the Serbian army, as announced, will report in October.

Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Petar Cvetković witnessed the firing of targets from the “Pasars” and “S1 armored” artillery and missile systems.

The shooting was carried out by members of the Third Missile Division of the 250 Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade.

Vulin pointed out that the Serbian army prepares, exercises and trains every day and uses the new means it has, such as one of the most modern air defense systems – “armored”, but also the national production system – “pasars”.

“We are preparing and practicing, and that is the work of the army, but what you saw today is of special importance to us, because this is the first time that the ‘armor’ has fired at targets on the ground, and the zero series of You will ‘pass’ to targets in the air. Furthermore, this is part of our preparation for the big exercise, which we will report on in October and where we will show all the capabilities that the Serbian Army has achieved so far, “emphasized Vulin.

Photo from the Ministry of Defense.

The shooting was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Material Resources Nenad Miloradovic, the Commander of the Air Force and Major General of Air Defense Dusko Zarkovic, the Deputy Commander of the Army General of Brigade Vladeta Baltic, Head of the Directorate of Development and State Equipment Brigadier General Milan Popovic shares Brigadier General Tiosav Jankovic.

The “Pasars” self-propelled artillery and missile anti-aircraft system is intended for the protection of ground units of the Serbian army, mainly mechanized armored and artillery and missile units during combat operations, as well as for the defense of important installations and facilities from the air space.

This system is effective in the fight against drones, combat helicopters, cruise missiles, low-flying aircraft, as well as for actions on targets on land and water.

The Military Technical Institute is in charge of the development of the complex combat system “Pasars”, and the process of modernizing the system, which should be the backbone of the defense of Army units, contributes significantly to increasing the Army’s operational capacity. .


The artillery-missile system for antiaircraft actions “S1 armor” is intended for the antiaircraft defense of important objects of reconnaissance and action from the airspace, as well as for the protection of air defense units and means of war equipment.

The acquisition of this artillery and medium-range missile system and the modernization of the missile systems in use have significantly increased the operational capabilities of air defense, the Ministry of Defense announced.

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