Valjevo is an infamous record holder, second in Serbia in number of infected


SERBIA – Valjevo was ranked second in Serbia in the number of people infected with the corona virus, and the sudden increase in the number of patients, according to the Valjevo Institute of Public Health, is related to the group of patients of a private celebration near Valjevo, where there were about 60 guests. twice the number allowed.

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Of these, 60, the corona virus was confirmed in 25 participants and, in addition, the corona spread from a smaller group, a store where eight infected people were found, and then four members of a family were infected by contact with a source proven infection, a cousin from Belgrade. who visited them.

However, these are proven cases that the Institute tracked down, and unofficial but reliable information says that at least a dozen more celebrations were organized in Valjevo or as Blic calls it “Serbian Vuhan” and its surroundings during September and October, both in interiors. , which under tents, with more than 50 gathered in one place.

Here is the situation in other cities in Serbia …


According to the latest data from the city headquarters for emergency situations in Vranje, out of 62 samples, 17 people are positive for the coronavirus, of which five from Vranje, 9 from Presevo and one person from Bujanovac, Vladicin Han and Bosilegrad. 29 patients were hospitalized at the Kovid hospital of the Vranje Health Center, of which 15 tested positive for coronavirus. There are 21 patients with bronchopneumonia, 7 with oxygen.

One patient was admitted, three were discharged, one of whom was transferred to Belgrade. There are no children among those hospitalized and the current number of free beds is 151. On Thursday, 101 examinations were carried out in the ATD ambulance and the total number of first examinations was 43. Blood samples were taken from 67 patients and 56 were performed x-rays of the lungs. 19 CRP tests and 54 rapid tests were performed and bronchopneumonia was diagnosed in 14 patients. TS


In the previous days, five medical workers at the Prokuplje Health Center were infected with coronavirus. As confirmed by the director of the Health Center, Zorica Momcilovic, all of them have milder symptoms and were referred for home treatment. In the last two days, the presence of Kovid 19 was confirmed in four people, and in four more the serological analysis determined that there was a viral infection.

-A total of 120 examinations were carried out at the Kovid clinic in the last two days, of which, due to symptoms, a PCR test was performed in 35 people and confirmed in four people. Nine people were sent to self-isolation – said Momcilovic. He added that there were no new positives yesterday from 5 pm to 1 pm today.

Currently, eight patients are hospitalized in Prokuplje hospital, of which six have been confirmed to have the virus. All those hospitalized have moderate pneumonia. There are four patients on oxygen support. BR

Sabac and Loznica

The number of new infected people continued to grow in the Macva district, where on Wednesday there were 14, and yesterday there were 19 new positives for kovid-19, it was announced today from the Sabac Institute of Public Health. Most of them are in Šabac: ten, Loznica five and two in Bogatić and Mali Zvornik. There are currently 80 patients in the district, 19 more than the day before. With 38 patients, Loznica leads, followed by Sabac with 28, Bogatic has seven, Mali Zvornik six and Vladimirci one.

The epidemiological situation in the district is unstable, authorities say, in September there were 49 patients and now there are 80. There is a slight increase in Loznica, and the problem is that many people from this border district of Mali Zvornik or Loznica work in Zvornik, that is, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. , or cross over to refuel.

Yesterday, 57 patients with acute respiratory problems were examined at the Triage Center of the Loznica Health Center “Dr Milenko Marin”, of which 24 were the first examinations, and the rest were control examinations, while 18 examinations were performed in the infectology clinic, with 12 firsts. Three new pneumonia were diagnosed and six patients were referred to an infectious disease specialist at the Triage Center.

31 PCR swabs were taken and 40 serological tests were performed. There are nine patients in the ward of the General Hospital of Loznica, three less than the day before. T. Ilic

Đerlek: Eight patients at Novi Pazar hospital

The infection department of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar has eight patients with covid, says Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, adding that he is concerned about the growing number of patients in the covid clinics in Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Tutin.

He told Tanjug that he is in talks with the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs to convert Novopazarska Banja into a temporary hospital with 200 to 250 places. “What is a problem for us is that there are 20 people with neuromuscular diseases that we have to temporarily transfer to Doljevac or some other health institution that takes care of these patients, so as not to put them in danger,” Djerlek said.

photo: Printscreen RTS

In this way, only a part of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar would be used for the diagnosis and treatment of covid patients, and the rest of the hospital would be available for non-covid positive patients: cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, malignant diseases, gynecology, surgery.

“The third wave will last a long time, so we must not turn the entire Pazar hospital into a coward. center. We want to expand the capabilities of kovid, but not to the detriment of patients who are not positive for kovid, “he said.

In Novi Pazar, for the third peak of the corona virus, Đerlek says that they are trying to provide around 400 places for covid patients, 150 at the General Hospital and around 250 at the Novi Pazar Spa. “We hope it is sufficient for any wave force,” he said.

He says that Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Tutin are specific settings, that they still don’t have a real idea of ​​how many people are infected because many are treated at home and do not report to the ambulance. “Most patients try to be treated at home or with private doctors, and only when complications occur do they come to us. We have no idea how many people are treated that way. We call on everyone to contact the clinic Kovid of the Novi Pazar General Hospital, “he concluded. he.


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