Vaccines for mass immunization in Serbia only at the end of 2021


ANA BRNABIĆ DISCOVERED: Vaccines for mass immunization in Serbia only in late 2021

Ana Brnabić warns, Photo: Government of the Republic of Serbia / Slobodan Miljević

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken to the marrow two basic principles of the modern world: the principle of human rights and respect for them and the principle of equality between individuals and between countries, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said.

“Human rights and the pandemic are one of the most important issues, not only in our country but worldwide, in the last 100 years, with the exception of the Second World War, the most difficult for humanity,” Brnabic said in the meeting that marks the International Day of Human Rights.

The world will be a more difficult place to live and less in the aftermath of the pandemic, Brnabić noted, noting that the gap between rich and poor, both individuals and countries, is becoming an insurmountable gulf and that the fight against the pandemic is very expensive.

“Nine out of 10 poor countries will probably not be able to receive the vaccine in 2021, because rich countries have already bought 53% of the vaccines destined for production next year. And with that 53% of the vaccines, only 14% of the total population will be vaccinated, “said the prime minister.

According to the Alliance for Vaccination, which is made up of Amnesty International and Oxfam, and CNN reports, the figures show that all “modern” vaccines and 96 percent of “Pfizer” vaccines have already been purchased by wealthy countries.

The Prime Minister added that a vaccine manufacturer told him that Serbia could receive the doses necessary for mass immunization only by the end of next year. AG Photo: Government of the Republic of Serbia / Slobodan Miljević

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