Vaccines can be made in the laboratory, not in food (PHOTO)


Today, the President of United Serbia, Dragan Markovic Palma, invited one of the richest people on the planet, Bill Gates, to visit Serbia and taste Serbian jerky.

– Bill Gates, the third man on the list of the richest people, promoted his book seven days ago and asked the world to start producing meat in the laboratory and that everyone switch to artificial and synthetic meat. I invite Bill Gates to come to Serbia and visit any of our agricultural producers and try our homemade dried meat from the smokehouse. The vaccines are made in the laboratory and the meat is known as. In the barn, then in the smokehouse. I invite Bill Gates to come and we will organize everything for him because he has billions, but he also has that snake mamba in his pocket – said Markovic in the promotion of dried meat from his smokehouse in the town of Koncarevo.

The dried meat promotion was organized at the United Serbia facility in Terazije in Belgrade, and was attended by the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic and his son Luka, the pop stars Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic and Gianni, the then Russian ambassador Alexander Bocan Kharchenko, Greek Ambassador to Serbia George Diakofotakis and Cuban Ambassador to Serbia Gustavo Trista Del Todo.

– This dried meat consists of 130 kg of fattening. The meat is salted for 15 days and dried in a smokehouse for 15 hours. My Facebook recording of meat drying has 1,533,000 views. I will not mark this way of drying the meat – said Markovic.

Dragan Markovic Palma
photo: Palma Plus / DM

The JS leader asked the media to deal with the virus and vaccines as little as possible, and as much as possible with positive topics.

– You, journalists and cameramen, are the most exposed to the virus after doctors and health personnel. You talk to a lot of people every day and you don’t know which one is infected. Ask your editors to promote positive things as much as possible – Markovic said and asked the 46 media representatives present not to talk about politics today.

He added that the dried meat from the Markovic family smokehouse was first tasted by his grandchildren:

– My guests today are my friends, and Dačić, and Ceca, and Đani, and their excellencies, and we were united by unity and friendship. When we talk about dried meat, there is nothing more beautiful than when you leave a party and that host, as they say in Serbia, “follow the meat.” And you come home and eat it and there is nothing sweeter. We in Serbia like to shave our beards. By the way, this dried meat from the Markovic family smokehouse was tasted for the first time by my grandchildren and they give the best mark.

Dacic: Ceca and I know how the meat is prepared

– Ceca and I are from southern Serbia and we know those customs of preparing homemade meat. We have tried this dry place of the Palma smokehouse several times because we go to glory and we usually hang out. I can say that it is excellent and the Serbian food is the best, but I often have to watch my weight – said Dacic.

Ceca fasted for six months

– Unlike Dacic, I do not have weight problems because I fast six months a year. I eat meat because protein is not fattening and I don’t eat bread. I know how it is at the Markovic family home because we come to the glory of others. This beef jerky is great. I’m glad to be a guest at this relaxed press conference – said Ceca.

Russia has similar food

– It is not the first time I have tried meat from Palma’s kitchen. By the way, in Russia we have similar specialties, we also have pihtije and dried meat. I must say that we are all gathered here for friendship. And I’m glad we’re not talking about politics today – said Kharchenko.

Cuba prepares corona vaccines

The Cuban ambassador to Serbia, Gustavo Trista Del Todi, stated that Cuba has many specialties, but they differ from these in Serbia.

– I also want to say that in Cuba four vaccines against coronavirus are being tested and that we will know their effectiveness very soon – said Del Todo.

Palm meat deserves to be in the markets

Ambassador Diakofotakis praised the quality of jerky that was on the menu today near Palma na Terazije.

– This dried meat is excellent and deserves to be found in the markets – said Diakofotakis.

The journalists who tried Koncarevo’s dried meat say that it is excellent and that Palma can compete with renowned national producers.


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Author: delivery courier
