30.09.2020. 08:45
The flu vaccine does not protect against kovid 19, but it is important that the two diseases do not collide.

corona vaccine, Photo: Tanjug / AP
Vaccination starts tomorrow according to priorities, but half a million is expected purchased vaccines will be enough for citizens who do not belong to vulnerable groups
More than 500,000 seasonal flu vaccines will be free this year for all Serbian citizens who want to receive them, and all that is needed is to call the doctor of your choice and make an appointment at the health centers.
Will you get the seasonal flu vaccine?
Virus crash
Vaccination, however, will be carried out according to priorities, so that, in addition to health workers, the right to be the first to arrive for a dose of vaccine has chronic patients over 65 years of age and women pregnant Given that the state purchased twice as many flu vaccines this year as last year, the free doses are expected to be sufficient for all citizens who want to get vaccinated and are not in one of the priority groups, so they will not have to purchase and pay for the vaccine themselves. in pharmacies.
And doctors have been appealing for months that this year, due to the coronavirus epidemic, vaccination against seasonal flu is especially important to avoid the collision of these two diseases.
– The flu vaccine does not protect against kovid 19, but it is important that these two diseases do not collide. So far, no deaths of vaccinated people have been recorded in the literature, although they can also get sick, but from a milder form of flu, without complications. It is very difficult for a doctor to distinguish the symptoms of seasonal flu and coronavirus because they are identical, and that is why it is important to vaccinate as many people as possible to alleviate the health system and avoid complications and diseases – both the pro-infection and the prof. . Dr. Zarko Rankovic.

Hospital, Photo: Tanjug
Dr. Verica Jovanović, director of the Institute of Public Health “Trampolín”, also highlights the importance of vaccination due to the current epidemiological situation with covid. – Vaccines will be in all health centers as of tomorrow, and we invite all target population groups, such as chronically ill, diabetic, obese, cancer and kidney patients, to come and get vaccinated. The vaccine is provided to all healthcare workers and the elderly population, as well as all those whose immunity is weakened in some way. The vaccine will be enough for everyone and it is not necessary for someone to buy them in pharmacies, but to go to the chosen doctor, who will assess the risks and the need for vaccination, said Jovanović de Kurir.
Going to DZ is safe
The Health Ministry says that vaccination in Serbia will start tomorrow, as planned, and the distribution of vaccines in health institutions has already started. – The current epidemiological situation is stable and going to health institutions at this time does not represent a great epidemiological risk for people who want to be vaccinated – Kurir told the Ministry of Health.
Who has to receive it
Vaccination against seasonal influenza is mandatory for healthcare workers
It is especially recommended for people over 65, chronic patients and patients with associated diseases, obese and pregnant women.
Possible side effects include a mild fever and mild cold symptoms for several days.
How to get a vaccine
Call your chosen doctor
Make an appointment for vaccination
Go to your health center at the agreed time to receive the vaccine