VACCINATION OF 2 MILLION PEOPLE IN SERBIA The first doses will arrive next week, here is who will be the first to receive it and why it is more important than ever


According to all the announcements, the first doses of the flu vaccine come to us very quickly, from the beginning of October. This year’s vaccination is specific in many ways: the largest number of doses will ever be available, for the first time in 14 years we have a domestic vaccine, and everything is happening as the coronary virus pandemic spreads around the world.

This year, precisely because of the aforementioned pandemic, there is great interest in the seasonal flu vaccine, especially because of the fear of what may happen when my corona and this well-known virus intersect.

To prevent that from happening, the state and competent institutions have procured a large number of doses of the vaccine this year, as the demand for coronavirus is increasing everywhere.

As for how many doses will be available to our citizens in the next period, several figures were mentioned. However, the dilemma no longer exists.

How many vaccines and what manufacturers?

The Republic Health Insurance Fund provided 344,920 doses of vaccines in the first round. At the price of 795 dinars per dose, a quadrivalent flu vaccine for over three years, produced by “Abbott” was agreed. The vaccine for the age up to 36 months, which costs 1,194 dinars and is quadrivalent, was agreed with “Torlak”.

Thus, the Belgrade Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums “Torlak” will start producing the domestic vaccine against seasonal flu “Torvaxflu” after a decade and a half, which is expected to be available in October, and at the latest in November.

As announced, “Torlak” could produce about 200,000 doses on its own, so about 600,000 vaccines are expected this year, which is double the previous year.

TorlakPhoto: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia


The director of “Torlak”, Vera Stojiljković, said that the domestic vaccine was already registered and that she had received a permit from the competent pharmaceutical agency in Serbia.

He added that the active component of the influenza vaccine is currently being produced, followed by quality control, finalization and certification, and then distribution and use.

Who is it recommended to and who is it mandatory?

Flu vaccination generally begins in mid-November and about 250,000 people are vaccinated. This year, it will be available from October, precisely because of the corona virus. Last season, the interest was higher, so after nearly 300,000 initial doses, which were consumed quickly, another 50,000 were delivered later. Interest is expected to be even greater this year and we certainly need a girdle vaccine now more than ever.

The most vulnerable categories of the population receive this vaccine at the expense of insurance. Vaccination against seasonal flu will be carried out according to the regulations, which is a recommendation for people over 60 years of age, chronic patients, while vaccination is mandatory for health workers, except in individual cases when there is a justified reason for which a person cannot receive the vaccine.

– It is important not to allow a collision, to avoid and mitigate side effects as much as possible. Seasonal flu vaccine, although it is not a corona vaccine, is very important at this time because it will avoid overlaps, interactions, and as you see, we could see in the example of Italy, in the flu epidemic underlined the corona epidemic . – explains epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović.

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

The interesting thing is that the vaccination could be carried out earlier this year precisely because of the potential collision of the corona and the flu. The truth is that the vaccines will be for all interested parties and will be commercially available to all those who do not belong to any vulnerable group. Not much is known about the price of the vaccine, but the public will be informed about it soon.

Headquarters of crisis on vaccination of 2 million people

Influenza vaccination is due to begin on October 1, and as crisis staff member and epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon said, capacities have doubled and there will be additional reserves.

– The number of people who should be vaccinated is close to two million. 347,000 thousand were acquired, “Torlak” has to deliver first 150,000, then another 100, and for now we will have a total of about 700,000 vaccines, which is double what can be expected – the epidemiologist said earlier.

Speaking about the flu vaccine, immunologist and crisis staff member for the fight against corona, Dr. Srđa Janković, previously said that the intention of the state is to provide as many doses as possible for flu vaccination.

– We should not underestimate the potential of the flu, and the Spanish fever that took so many people with whom we compared the coronavirus was a type of flu – noted Dr. Janković adding that “the essence is to start vaccination before the expected second wave of coronavirus. “

Sanja Radojevic SkodricPhoto: TV Prva / screenshot

Sanja Radojevic Skodric

The director of the RHIF, Sanja Radojevic Skodric, confirmed that the first doses of influenza vaccines will arrive exactly on October 1, as announced.

– Yesterday the first truck with doses for the first contract that we signed left from Holland, exactly 344,000 doses of vaccine. The other doses announced by the ministry will arrive for those who are subject to mandatory immunization, as well as for those who want to be vaccinated, it will be absolutely sufficient for everyone. What is up to citizens is to register if they want – Škodrić told First Television.

VIDEO: How are vaccines made?
