Vaccination in Serbia in the spring and during the summer, “one or two days” after the EU countries


The epidemiological situation continues to concern both the authorities and the public. The health system is on the brink of resistance, but hope comes in the form of a vaccine. Authorities and experts agree that mass vaccination could begin in the spring of next year, but that does not mean that the fight against the virus will end then.

“We will have a fight for the summer,” said Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar.

Fight an invisible enemy. A vaccine will stand in the way of the coronavirus. Mass vaccination began in the UK on Tuesday. In Serbia, the Minister of Health says that although the first vaccines will appear earlier, mass vaccination will be expected until spring.

“As things are now, the vaccine, the real vaccine and the medicine one or if another appears, it will be in April at least, in April at least. Imagine when it is April, let’s hope with as many alive, as many healthy as possible. “Loncar said.

Experts believe that such a claim is realistic and that before mass vaccination, a small number of vaccines, which is the first to be purchased, will be used to vaccinate healthcare workers. The end of vaccination in Serbia is expected in September.

“I think it will in our country it will be finished in September, but nobody will be able to relax the measures prevention that is in effect until vaccination is carried out in other parts of the world, “said UNICEF / World Bank immunization consultant and president of the Serbian Public Health Association Dragoslav Popovic.

It is important to make a plan for the acquisition of medical supplies necessary for vaccination, but to provide enough personnel for vaccination because it is a huge job, Popovic believes and believes that additional people will have to be hired because the health system is already overloaded.

“Vaccination will take place over the next year and will not end until even the poorest countries cover a certain percentage of the population, when the end of the pandemic can be expected,” says Popović.

Serbia will receive the vaccine when the countries of the European Union, perhaps a day or two late, the state president is convinced.

“We will see that when the members of the European Union obtain it, we will obtain it two days late. And we will see beforehand if we can get vaccines that will be approved in those countries and will come for a certain period of time to control our experts.” said Aleksandar Vučić.

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but not the length of the tunnel.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
