Vaccination begins in Britain, Pfizer started producing the vaccine in Belgium


In the fight against the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, governments around the world are tightening and lifting restrictions, but kovid-19 is spreading faster or slower with no signs of withdrawal. Salvation could be a vaccine. The EU announces that no vaccine will receive permits for use before the end of the year. The United States announces that the permit will arrive in about ten days. In Britain and Russia, a permit has been issued and vaccination can begin.

In the UK, after the Pfizer vaccine was approved, just 23 days after the results of the final phase of the clinical trial were published, vaccination will begin next week.

“I strongly appeal to people to get vaccinated, but it is not part of our culture or ambition in this country that vaccination is mandatory,” said UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Pfizer has started production of the vaccine at its factory in Belgium and announces that the quantities will be sufficient.

“We must not forget that if we vaccinate a relatively small percentage of the population at the beginning, it can have a decisive impact. That is why we are now doing everything possible to increase the production capacity we have, but the challenge is to increase it in the coming months. “They have more doses than the world needs,” said Pfizer CEO Albert Burla.

The opinions of the British are divided.

“I’m a bit reserved. In fact, a lot of vaccines came out quickly. They are usually tested for years, before they start to be used. So I’m not sure what to think,” says a Briton.

Russia has announced that it has already vaccinated more than 100,000 people from endangered groups.

“The start of mass production gives us the opportunity to start with mass vaccination, we have started with medical personnel and teachers. If you say that we have reached that level, I invite you to organize mass vaccination,” said the Russian president. Vladimir Putin.

In Germany, they are much more cautious: the Robert Koch Epidemiological Institute warns of euphoric expectations for the rapid use of the vaccine and announces that the analysis of new vaccines will take time, and that the vaccination process will take a year.

With the exception of Hungary, which purchases the vaccine from Russia, other EU countries announce the start of vaccination in March or April.
