USED ​​CARS WILL INCREASE 30% INCREASE When buying vehicles, Serbian citizens will have another PROBLEM


Used cars in Serbia will be more expensive in the next period, because the prices of used cars in Europe have been rising since June.

Buying used cars in that market is at least 20 to 30 percent more expensive due to higher demand compared to supply. It is expected that its retail price will also be much higher in our country. Warehouses are slowly being emptied and importing new used vehicle tours will lead to higher prices. This is how the representatives of the largest car parcels in our country assess the situation of the used car market.

– The demand for used vehicles in the European market is higher than the supply, which caused a price increase of at least 20 to 30 percent – explains Borko Čarkilović, director of a Belgrade car dealer, for “Novosti”. nisan kaškai ”costs around 7,000 euros, and is now 1,000 to 1,500 euros more expensive. On the one hand, the production of new cars is lower, and on the other hand, vehicle owners have a harder time deciding to buy or replace old ones with new ones due to the uncertain situation with the pandemic. If they don’t replace your old car, then we have nothing to buy.

Before the crown, as he claims, in the auctions of European leasing companies, there were between 4,000 and 5,000 vehicles a week, and now that number has been cut in half. The owner of another car dealership, who sells vehicles up to five years old, points out that they cannot buy them even roughly at the prices now sold in our market.

– We try to replace the old with the new and there is no car model that has not become more expensive, which one day will have to be reflected in retail prices – says our interlocutor – Everything is at least 20 to 30 percent more expensive in purchase, which depends on models, and some are priced 100 percent higher.

He adds that consumers in Serbia unrealistically expect second-hand cars to become cheaper due to the pandemic situation, and they are unaware that they are becoming more expensive in Europe.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Nebojsa Ivanovic, from a Sabac car dealer, also claims that the supply of used cars on the European market is weak and that vehicles have become more expensive.

– It is an indicator that the price of used cars will also increase in our market – explains Ivanović. – At the moment, our demand is lower than before the crown, but the supply is lower.

Charkilovic says that the purchase of used vehicles in Serbia has been declining since mid-August. Previously, after the lifting of the state of emergency, in May, there was an increase in demand and the recovery of the second-hand market.

Our interlocutors say that consumers buy cars mainly on credit, but point out that banks have tightened the criteria.

– The demand for loans has increased, but it is more difficult for banks to approve them, because the risk is higher due to the crown and it is not known who will lose their job – explains Ivanović for “Novosti”.

Until now, it has been difficult for Serbs to get to four-wheelers and now the situation is getting worse. In this situation, drivers who want to adopt their pet, for which they will get more money, can be satisfied.

The cheapest is the most wanted

The most sought after cars in Serbia cost up to 4,000 euros, between 2006 and 2008, says Borko Čarkilović. – Approximately 10% of buyers buy expensive second-hand cars, starting at 30,000 euros. The most difficult to sell are cars with an average price range of 10,000 to 15,000 euros.
