US intelligence USA Detect: Is the coronavirus manufactured in the laboratory?


The intelligence of the EE. USA It has concluded that the new coronavirus was neither man-made nor genetically modified, a statement said today.

Source: Beta



According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, they are still trying to determine if the outbreak began with contact with infected animals or the result of a mistake in a laboratory in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the pandemic began, according to Frans Press.

Lately, the unproven theory has been mentioned that the infectious disease laboratory in Wuhan is the source of a global pandemic that has killed more than 220,000 people worldwide.

“The intelligence community agrees with a broad scientific consensus that the Kovid-19 virus is neither made nor genetically modified,” the AP said in a statement.

“It will continue to rigorously examine information and intelligence to determine whether the epidemic started through contact with infected animals or is the result of a laboratory accident in Wuhan,” he added.

Scientists say the virus naturally originated in bats. However, United States Secretary of State Pompeo and others point the finger at an institute run by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The institute has conducted significant research by tracing the origin of the SARS virus and finding new viruses in bats and analyzing how they can jump into humans, according to the AP.

The Chinese government announced today that any claim that the coronavirus had leaked from the laboratory was “unfounded and made from scratch.”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang quoted Wuhan Institute director Juan Jiming as saying that the laboratory strictly applies biosecurity procedures that would prevent virus release.
