
The platform for these talks will be the Washington agreement, which provides for investments between 2.18 and 2.73 billion euros in the construction of roads and railways.

In addition to the long-announced 100-kilometer Nis – Merdare – Pristina highway, new projects are also planned, among which the most important is the Bujanovac – Konculj – Gjilan – Strpce highway, in the length of 78 kilometers.

The construction of the Raska – Jarinje – Kosovska Mitrovica express highway of about 60 kilometers is also planned, as well as the reconstruction of the Ribarice – Brnjak – Zubin Potok highway.

– The focus will be on the continuation of the financing of the road from Nis to Merdar and Pristina, for which more than 750 million euros are needed, as well as the construction of the railway in that direction – said Mihajlović. – Regarding the railway connection, the projects planned for the conversation are the Belgrade-Nis railway in the length of 240 kilometers, for which preparatory projects are being carried out with the Chinese company CRBC, and the value is around the 2,100 million euros. The 87-kilometer Doljevac-Kursumlija-Merdare railway is planned to be built, which will require some 980 million euros. The average speed in this part is only 30 kilometers per hour.


FOR the first section of the 33-kilometer Nis – Merdare – Pristina highway, between Nis and Plocnik, the tender will be announced in late October or early November.

– We have contributed 40 million euros of non-reimbursable funds from the EU for this, we have signed an agreement with the European Investment Bank for 100 million euros and will soon sign an agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the rest of the funds – said Mihajlovic. – At the same time, we will speak with the American Development Fund about financing other stocks.

The installation of rails from Merdare to Pristina in the length of 43 kilometers will also be discussed, because there is no railway from the exit of the Merdare tunnel. Also circulates the route Pristina – Kosovo Pole – General Jankovic – the border with North Macedonia of 70.8 kilometers.

The minister noted that not only the DFC but also the US government is coming to Serbia, considering that the fund is part of the US government.

– This arrival is not only the realization of the Washington agreement, but also a guarantee that the agreed infrastructure projects will be carried out – Mihajlović said, adding that these investments will give a boost to the development of the entire region.

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