URGENT PARTICIPATION OF PRESIDENT VUCIC: Serbia will be the first in Europe in terms of growth rate


It was posted on his Instagram account.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić joined live after talks with the IMF and explained what Serbia should do to keep the economic decline as small as possible.

– According to the new evaluation, Serbia will be the best in Europe, the decrease was the smallest in relation to other countries in Europe – emphasized the President of Serbia.

– According to your percentages, Serbia will have a drop of 1.5 percent, and I would like to congratulate all the citizens of Serbia for that – said the president.

– The IMF said that neither salaries nor pensions should be increased, they are cautious and I like their approach, but people must understand that this is a success due to the great crown of the crisis, the increase in pensions and wages is a great success – emphasized the President.

– We also managed to increase salaries and pensions and give each citizen of Serbia 100 euros. And we had great support from the IMF, but I didn’t wait for them to make a decision with us, I don’t want anyone else to make a decision on how much and to whom we will give. For the citizens of Serbia, that means that pensions will be increased, wages will be increased despite the great economic crisis, and that is a great success. The average salary will be 510-515 euros, and we expect about 540 euros of the average salary in Serbia in March, Vučić said.

The president said that we will face the atrocious disease in the most cruel way, but that it is good to build hospitals.

– Now there is panic. How can there not be panic when the number of infected people increases?

He added that there is no doubt that the situation with the corona virus in Serbia will be worse.

When it comes to the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, the president said that he believes that the Serbian List made a good decision.

– I try not to respond to the everyday nonsense I hear from Pristina. We want the flow of goods and capital, that is important to us.

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