UPK: Burial is the biggest risk, the government and the Serbian Orthodox Church must take responsibility


The Association of Doctors United Against Kovid (UPK) warned that the announced funeral of Patriarch Irinej represents, from the epidemiological point of view, a “higher risk event.”

This association demands that all actors, state bodies, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the population, take responsibility and act in accordance with the law and regulations in force at the time of the epidemic.

“United Against Kovid” recalls that state authorities have a legal obligation to ensure the strict implementation of regulations and valid laws aimed at combating the epidemic and the risk of infection.

Likewise, the responsible representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church explicitly demand that religious rites be strictly adjusted to the epidemiological situation and thus “prevent the spread of infection among believers.”

“We demand reasonable behavior from the population, which means staying home and delivering mail to Patriarch Irinej in the family circle. We warn that any action and behavior that deviates from this is subject to criminal liability and will certainly contribute to massive illness and death. of innocents, our acquaintances, family and friends, “the statement added.

“The organization of the funeral of Patriarch Irinej in the planned way and the passive position of the state organisms on this matter represent a danger of the first order for the health of the population and the health system,” the statement said.

“The gathering of thousands of believers from across the country is potentially the latest blow to the dying healthcare system and a slap in the face to all healthcare workers who struggle every day in the kovid system,” United Against Kovid said in a statement. .
