Until Sretenje, a new economic assistance package


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said on the “Ćirilica” program that he hopes next year will be better than last.

– I think a better year awaits us. We did a lot in the past, considering what was happening, the past was not so bad, except that we lost a lot of people due to the pandemic. In the next period, we will provide a significant amount of vaccines, and I am glad that we will vaccinate a large number of citizens, said the President of Serbia.

– What is important to the people, we will come out with a new aid package to Sretenje. It won’t be as generous as last time, no one in the world can do that, but we will present an aid package and allow people to collect. We will see if it will be two or three times half the minimum. We will go to the tourism sector with more bus carriers, and we will also seek to help retirees. We will seek to provide packages for each retiree with vitamins to boost immunity. But vaccination is the essence. They will receive the first pension in February, which was increased by 6% – said Vučić.

– The most difficult issue is the moratorium on the payment of taxes, when you enter a multiple delay, you destroy the system. But calculate that we will help a billion euros in cash, because we want to have growth of 5-6 percent. We are also going with large projects for the construction of the sewage network, infrastructure and the construction of apartments for the army and the police, which should be accelerated – says the President of Serbia.

Photo: TV Happy / screenshot

President Vučić emphasized that Serbia has never been the first in Europe in terms of growth rate.

– The eurozone had a drop in GDP, Serbia had a growth. Montenegro had – 26 percent, we closed the country for a month, we managed to overcome the big first wave, and then we quickly opened the country, and the companies started working – said Vučić, adding:

– We must not shut down the economy, and we have been fighting all the time to get medical equipment. We have also built two hospitals, we are building clinical centers in the cities. Hospitals will be built in ten cities. But we did it with the 2014 measures and the Labor Law and the reduction of pensions and wages. My father used to tell me that it wasn’t fair, but now there is more than before. People see who is fighting for the country, says Vučić.

– It means to me that people see that we keep our promises. Our salary in Belgrade went up 180 euros, today we are the first in terms of salaries in the region. We were at 329 euros of average salary and 70% of public debt. For us, employment is growing and the public debt rate has increased the least. We have created a good healthy system – says Vučić.

The president also pointed out that we will soon have a highway to Istanbul, and that in 2021 we will have a situation where a highway is being built in six sections at one point.

– We are building railways, roads, in a year we will go to Novi Sad in half an hour – said Vučić. As for some of the projects in the next period, there are Sremska Rača, the bridge over the Sava, the Moravian Corridor, in less than a year the high-speed railway will be ready, then the roads to Užice, Zlatibor, Ivanjica. .. – says Vučić.

– We also have to renew the tractors. The level of investment in Serbia is 3 billion gross, which is incredible. We are expecting more big investments – added Vučić.

The president also announced the arrival of the largest chocolate producer Barry Calbo in Serbia.

About the coronavirus vaccine

The President emphasized that no one in the region received the vaccine except Serbia, which was paid for and if it were not so, now we would not have it.

– We trusted ourselves and our own strength. I respect the EU and Oliver Varhelji, but somewhere we intuit that there will be none of the European covacuation, and there will be none of that in January, we will see it in the future. We foresaw it and started addressing it in time and we reached so-called bilateral agreements with both Pfizer and the Russians. I hope that the Chinese vaccine that is registered in China will be available, that vaccine is of exceptional quality and probably the most expensive – said Vučić, adding that he will write to the Chinese president if necessary.

Vučić also explained why Serbia has a higher death rate for medical workers than countries in the region.

– Because we are fighting for our lives, we are hospitalizing the infected. Our hospitals are full, at one point we had 10,000 people. We may have that number again, if a new strain of coronavirus appears. Crown death toll: Serbia has 50 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, more precisely 1.0 percent, Vučić notes.

Vučić also spoke about the jadarite deposits that will be exploited by the Rio Tinto company, but also about the protests that the plan sparked.

– We do not have the sea or the natural resources that will immediately bring us millions. We have jadarita and I die laughing when they protest about it. People must know the truth. They are demonstrating there in western Serbia because of Rio Tinto and they say there will be a catastrophe there. No catastrophe will happen there – said Vučić.

Photo: TV Happy / screenshot

He said the Rio Tinto permits were signed from 2004 to 2012, during the previous government.

– Well, on February 1, 2012 they made the decision to carry out works and drill a large diameter. Dilas, Dulic, Mladjan Djordjevic, Boris Tadic and others gave permission to Rio Tinto – noted Vucic, adding:

– And now they are going to demonstrate. Against whom, against themselves. I didn’t sign it, they signed it. And now, we have to pay 100 billion in damages. If they had asked me, I would have told them to take their money before signing the contract. And they didn’t take a dinar from them.

The president of Serbia also announced new factories for batteries, automobiles …

– We will not allow any drilling around lithium until a large factory for car and bus batteries is built. That will not happen. The mineral rent will be 5%. When we see what the state of Serbia got, when we see that the environment and people will be protected, then it can. I stress that nothing will be signed until we see what is good for Serbia, says Vučić.

The President also referred to attempts by the unrecognized state of Kosovo to be recognized in many international organizations and institutions, noting that such attempts would violate the agreements it signed.

He warned them not to try again.

– If Kosovo tries to join any international organization, many surprises await them. They know I’m not lying. I am not only talking to them, but also to their mentors – emphasized Vučić.

Photo: Hepi TV / screenshot

Vučić said that the political director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Borislav Stefanović, in 2017 asked the representative of the State Department, Robert Silberstein, that the United States postpone the recognition of Kosovo for a few days, so as not to “disturb” Boris Tadić in the election campaign.

He referred to a document dated December 17, 2007 indicating.

– These people officially requested that the recognition of Kosovo be postponed for a few days, due to the elections. It’s okay for them to recognize Kosovo, just so as not to interrupt the campaign and their election, Vučić said.

These, he says, are the so-called great patriots, people who now say he is a traitor, and at that time Kosovo declared its independence.

– All those who led the persecution in their time, 90 countries recognized Kosovo, and in my 18 they withdrew – he said.

Vučić said that he would not lie to people that the situation was easy, that everything was ours and that he wanted citizens to see who was fighting and how much.

– I believe in our people, in their judgment. Several great people have said that there is no point in going to anyone who throws a stone at you, especially not in the age of social media. Other greats said that you didn’t do much if they didn’t attack you. Those who were not attacked, how did they stand out to be attacked? Some stand out with their work, deeds, some with thefts, so let the people judge – he concluded.

“I’m ready to go to the polygraph”

Vučić said the Jovanjica affair was “completely fabricated to discredit him and his relatives.”

– I’m ready to go to the polygraph for Jovanjica, everything is for the attempt to dehunish me and my family. I will never forgive myself for allowing my son Danilo’s life to be ruined by false accusations – said Vučić.

As for Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, Vucic points out that he offered his resignation on several occasions.

– All I have to say to him, I say to his face. He has been with me for twenty years, I baptized his daughter Nina. He has progressed a lot and learned a lot, he is a capable man. You have a responsible role, but you will have to work hard and fight every day. He offered me the resignation several times in the past due to various stories, said the president of Serbia.
