Until recently, some had no new cases.



12.09.2020. 15:52 – 12.09.2020. 16:15

They claim that the increase was noticed after private parties.

Citizens, coronavirus, Serbia

Citizens, coronavirus, Serbia, Photo: Hello / Vladimir Markovic

OR Zajecar 10 new cases have been reported in the last 48 hours. kovid 19, which gives a jump in the number of new cases when compared to the period from September 6 to 8, when no case of infection was registered.

The mayor of Zajecar, Boško Ničić, sees the increase in the number of infected in the breach of the measures and declares for Tanjug that an extraordinary session of the City Assembly will be held on Wednesday or Thursday, in order to pass punitive provisions .

He also says that the Zajecar City Council does not have cooperation with the Prosecutor’s Office, which responds to the intervention of the police by, he adds, holding parties in the patios, which “cannot do anything,” Tanjug reports.

– That is a terrible problem in this situation, that coordination between the inspection, the Prosecutor’s Office and the courts of misdemeanors, which must fight together against those who violate all the measures and regulations – said Nicic.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, coronavirus has been confirmed in 408 patients in Zajecar, and currently 17 patients are being treated at the Department of Infectious Diseases, 10 of which are from that city, according to the website.
