UNS: REM banned the projection of the agricultural show Happy for 15 days for insulting women – Society


The Council of the Electronic Media Regulatory Body (REM) decided to ban Happy TV for 15 days from showing the program for farmers “Better Country”, because the journalist in that program compared the veterinary procedure of insemination of cows with the procedure of treatment of female sterility.

UNS: REM bans 15 days of Happy agricultural fair for insulting women 1Photo: Pixabay / renateko

Happy REM yesterday imposed a measure on Television because the program in dispute violated article 50 of the Electronic Media Law and article 20 of the Regulation for the Protection of Human Rights in the Field of Media Services, which, among other things, prescribes the obligation of broadcasters to respect the dignity of the person.

In August this year, that television broadcast an article in which the journalist commented on the modern method of insemination of cows with the treatment methods of sterilization and artificial insemination in women in Serbia.

The members of the REM Council, Slobodan Cvejić and Judita Popović, believe that this punishment for the Happy TV show is not censorship. However, Višnja Arandjelović claims that the sentence was too harsh.

With this decision, REM raised the bar by imposing new measures on media service providers, Arandjelovic told UNS, stating that he had no dilemma that television violated the Rulebook because it did not respect the dignity of the person.

“The new REM Council, which is unfortunately again sitting in a truncated composition, is now setting standards that it must always meet, and now we have raised that ladder very high,” Arandjelovic told UNS.

He points out that in REM, they recently had a situation in which this body showed a greater degree of understanding when “some politicians rudely insulted dissidents on the same television.”

Arandjelovic believes that REM should protect two important values ​​identically: the prohibition of hate speech and the protection of the rights of minors.

Judita Popović affirms for UNS that REM’s decision cannot be considered censorship, as well as that the comparison in the debatable program “is not a joke, but a misogyny that should not be tolerated.” “The REM Council acted in accordance with its powers in the public interest,” Popovic said.

Slobodan Cvejić, a member of the REM Council, agrees with Popović that in this case we cannot speak of censorship, considering that Happy TV “constantly violates the regulations”. He claims that this kind of misogyny in Serbia shows the level of our conscience. “Every journalist must know that with what he does, he shapes social conscience,” Cvejic told UNS.

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