In its statement, the Serbian Association of Journalists harshly criticized United Group-owned media – H1, Nova and Nova.rs, for their lack of professionalism and asked them to stop violating the Journalists Code, but also to resist! pressure from their owners!
This confirms what Kurir has been warning the public for months: that these media, which often take on the role of arbitrators and give themselves the right to judge which media do it according to the code and which do not, do not respect the journalistic standards themselves, but practically the media that work for the interests of their owners and the political structures associated with them!
Incompatible with journalism
– UNS calls on the journalists and editors of the H1 and Nova televisions, as well as the Nova.rs portal, to resist pressure from the owners and to stop drastically violating the Journalists’ Code with their reports. Colleagues in these media are reminded that the Code of Ethics stipulates that “the economic and political interests of publishers must not influence editorial policy in a way that results in inaccurate, biased, incomplete and inappropriate information for the public.” UNS said in a statement. its website, as well as that “H1, Nova and Nova.rs violated professional and ethical rules by reporting on the Zurich court verdict on Dragan Solak’s lawsuit against Pink, Informer and Studio B, as well as on published information by UNS on that judicial procedure “.

Let us remind you that Dragan Šolak is a co-owner of United Group, owned by H1, Nova and Nova.rs.
– At the end of September, H1 published the news about the verdict, without seeing said verdict, to later change the news, noting that it was a “statement from the United Group”. According to the guidelines of the Press Council, online media must indicate any changes in the published text and indicate what has been modified in the original article. When the UNS requested a verdict from the United Group and the Zurich District Court and published an article that both the United Group and the court refused to send us, the United Group media launched a campaign against the Association, President Vladimir Radomirovic and the president of the Court Ljiljana Smajlovic. in a sentence.

The UNS also affirms that, as they say, “in this campaign, incompatible with journalism, the United Group’s media mislead their interlocutors,” “they rewrite their statements, comment on fabricated accusations and falsely claim that the UNS ‘protects the Vučić media ‘”.
– It is not about who is for or against the government, but about the rules of journalism. The demand that journalists be pushed into opposing political camps is disastrous for both journalism and democracy. How are N1 and Nova better than the pro-government media if they themselves do not respect journalistic standards? UNS calls on the journalists and editors of H1, Nova and Nova.rs to reject requests from owners who are contrary to the rules of journalism and do not allow abuse of the media for their commercial interests – they add from this association.
Unprofessional reports
Kurir has written several times about unprofessional reporting in the United Group-owned media, despite the fact that H1 television is trying to establish itself as a moral vertical in the media world.
Perhaps the most drastic example of lack of professionalism was shown at the beginning of the pandemic, when the H1 reports acted as if this television operated exclusively in the interest of the owner of that media house and not in the general interest of the citizens.

The impression was that this television took advantage of the situation with the coronavirus to contribute to the strengthening of the opposition, mainly Dragan Djilas and his Alliance for Serbia. It would be more convenient for the owners of H1 for Djilas, as its political exponent, to gain power so that they can make big profits and establish a monopoly in the media market. The connection between H1 and Djilas is also very noticeable in this television program. It can be said that this television has become a propaganda service for Dragan Djilas, because most of the articles on the opposition deal with it – and only affirmatively – and there is almost no place for other opponents.
H1 Belgrade non-objective
World experts have documented that H1 is biased. Thus, internal analyzes of the H1 program, carried out at the request of the management of KKR and CNN by the BBC expert James Harding, showed that the television editorial committee “pursues a non-objective, unbalanced, anti-government and anti-state editorial policy of the news program”. This report caused great dissatisfaction with the work of the Belgrade N1 among the leaders of the United Group and the partners of BC, the owners of this television.
We work professionally
Yesterday, H1 television reacted to the position of UNS, while Nova S and News Max Adria issued a joint statement, and all assure that the criticism is not maintained and that they are doing their job in a professional manner.
– H1 journalists independently edit the program and report on events in Serbia, without influence or pressure, and are free to express their views on editorial policy, it is stated in H1’s response, while Nova S and News Max Adria said:
– The UNS is an organization with a troubled past, which due to its submission to the authorities in the 1990s, was left without journalists who had cheekiness and honesty and who had a certain journalistic credibility.
The Nova.rs portal also reacted to the announcement, rejecting the opinions of UNS.
Kurir.rs/ Redakcija Kurira Photo: Beta, Screenshot

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