UNS ANNOUNCED AND WARNED: Dragan Djilas’ statements are pressure on journalists


At yesterday’s Freedom and Justice Party press conference, Dragan Djilas said he would sue the news anchor, journalists, Pink Television interlocutors and owner Zeljko Mitrovic “at the end,” thus continuing the unacceptable practice he started. by expelling journalists from press conferences. . Djilas spoke dismissively about the appearance of journalist Pink.

UNS once again warns politicians that characterizing journalists based on their physical appearance and clothing is inappropriate. Everyone has the right to criticize the work of the media, but not to insult journalists and media employees and to abuse their power to silence them.

UNS emphasizes that journalists have the right and obligation to investigate the property of all politicians and members of their families, and that they are obliged to uphold professional standards, and that politicians should not insult journalists for this.

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